Amelie Icard

(There appears to be no discussion of these people other than in the Biography section).

Allegedly a letter written by Amelia Icard was recently purchased and the owner attempted to translate the 10 page letter from French to English. According to the letter Amelia was accompanying Mrs. Stone on a trip around the world. She appears to describe a few of the well known stories during the sinking. Does anyone know of the providence of this letter?

Link to March 26, 2014 Huffington post article
Titanic Survivor's Letter May Give Tragic First-Hand Account Of Night's Events

The above story provides links to images of the actual letter:
Titanic letters - Imgur

As well as the "collaborative" translation effort:
frenchlitgeek comments on REQUEST. I own the only set of letters written by Rose Amélie Icard (longest French living titanic survivor) describing a first hand account of what happened as the titanic sank. It's written in French & I would love to have
(You have to scroll down to near the bottom of the comments to see the "complete" translation.

I did a few searches to make sure the background of the story was there.
If found an article about Martha Stone's husband who died in 1901.
The Civil War of the United States: George Nelson Stone, born July 17, 1839
This article included the following information about her life after 1901:

<Quote>In April 1912, Martha Stone was travelling in first class on the RMS Titanic after a year’s stay abroad with her stepdaughters. She was awake in bed when the Titanic struck the iceberg. She slipped a kimono over her night dress, put on her slippers, and went out into the corridor. She asked a crew member if they had struck an iceberg. "Yes, " he said, "but there is no danger. Go back to bed and to sleep." He told her they had stopped to see what damage there was and that there wasn't any danger. She went back to bed and never received a warning. She got up and dressed and stepped out into the corridor, where the daughter of the woman across the hall came running down the corridor, telling her to put on her life preserver and that they must get into the boats.

Mrs. Stone and her maid, Amelia Icard got into lifeboat 6. Denver millionairess Margaret "Molly" Brown was the most prominent occupant of all the women in the lifeboat. Robert Hitchens, a quartermaster, was put in charge of Lifeboat 6, along with lookout Frederick Fleet. When the Titanic sank, Brown and several others urged Hitchens to turn around and rescue some of those in the water. Hitchens refused, ordering the men to stop rowing and telling the passengers: "There's no use going back, 'cause there's only a lot of stiffs there." The cries for help soon died away. Brown asked Hitchens to let the women row to help keep them warm. When he refused, she threatened to throw him overboard. He protested and swore at her, but others told him to shut up. She took charge of the tiller, prompting the American press to dub her subsequently the "Unsinkable" Molly Brown.</Quote>

Could anyone provide their educated opinion as to the authenticity of the maid's letter?

Thank you in advance.
Rose Amélie was born in Murs department of Vaucluse on the Chatemuie farm where her farmer father worked.She died, without issue, at the La Tronche hospital (Grenoble department of Isère), on July 15, 1964.Note: we pronounce the final S of Murs.