Anniversaries 2002-present

For the Lucy buffs here, how will you honor the memory of the ship and her victims on the anniversary of her sinking?

I have read there might be a couple survivors buried outside of my native Boston- anyone know precisly where? I might be inclined to drop off some flowers...


Tarn Stephanos
Boston MA
I'll probably watch Winsor McCay's "The Sinking of the Lusitania" on the 7th. And then, on the 8th, I'll listen to Herb Morrison's Hindenberg broadcast and wish my nephew a happy birthday. The lad's surrounded by destruction!

Tarn. You beat me to it. I was watching a "Lucy" special yesterday when the date was brought up. I was counting down til the 7th to ask... That's o.k. though.
. I personally don't have any plans, except to stop and take a moment to remember those who were involved in this disaster.
A very good question.

I am only starting to get hold and getting to grips over the whole tragedy itself. Shortly after I learnt about Titanic, years ago, my late Grandfather taught me of another major disaster that happened in 1915. At first it seem incredible to belief such a catastrophe could happen and yet it did happen.

During those happy day's of my youth sometimes my needs become so unbearable, I was literarily starved of any knowledge surrounding those great liners of the pass. Today of course things are a lot different, and whilst I still uphold that urge of wanting to know more then I can at least safely say that I am focusing my attention on another Lusitania title which has already been published and is due to be launch on bookshelves over hear in Britain on the 9th May 2002. I expect many will want to know the latest title due for release:- Wilful Murder: The Sinking of the Lusitania by Diana Preston. Publishers Doubleday.

Getting back to Lusitania itself. I can only ditto the same self words by Colleen, and whilst I shall temporary stop and give a thought to the survivors and the victims of the dead, I shall also spare a thought to other great calamity of May 1914, The Empress of Ireland.

Andrew W.
Have any of you seen the very early cartoon of the sinking? It's one the web but I don't know the location.

When is the "Willful Murder" book coming out? Who is the "murderer," Churchill or the U-Boat?
Here in Liverpool there is a memorial service held on each anniversary. The chaplains of both cathedrals take a service and many of the descendants attend. It's quite moving really as it is held at the site where the Lusitania's propeller is held and wreathes are left there as a mark of respect.

To honour the 87th anniversary yesterday, I also took a moment to remember the passengers and crew of this horrible disaster.

Best regards,

Dear List,

To commemorate the lives of those on the
Lusitania, I made phone calls to several of
the descendants of the passengers and crew.
After chatting with Edith Brammer's daughter,
I was reminded once again how wonderful these
people are who share with us the lives of
their parents and relatives.
One of the most discouraging things however,
is to discover that some "researcher" has
tainted or discouraged some poor relative
from corresponding with another researcher
by branding them "unsavory". This cheap
shot makes the speaker look bad, but also
is a lot like being the waitress who never
shuts up about herself at a table she's
waiting on. The diner is not there to hear
all her baggage, yet they are treated to
doses of why they should eat one thing or
the other.
This "researcher" has developed opinions
and is regurgitating fallacies about other
competent researchers that he has never met
because he doesn't know the facts; just the
lies he has been told by another spoiler of
a "researcher". Pathetic.
This person and their "source" should
put away the rhetoric of spreading Titanic
knowledge, and practice a little good taste
instead. These relatives and prospective
sources don't want to hear your gripes because
you don't play well with others. For their
sakes, just stick to the subject.

In the end, you will just be exposed.
Hello all,
I am new to ET and am enjoying reading the back messages.

On the 8th I went hiking around our south coast which meets the Cook Strait. All around here are cliffs and high ground. I climbed up to an old WWII observation post and watched the local tonnage go by. It was a fine may afternoon here and as I watched I realised how similar my position was to those on Kinsale Head that afternoon. As I saw those ships at varying distances I remembered the LUSY and what took place the day before in 1915.

kind regards

Martin Cahill
New Zealand
Brian. I would like to thank you for taking the time to call the descendants. and letting them know they, and others, are remembered. Your kind and caring heart is very large.
Today is May 7th in Australia, 88 years since the sinking of the Lusitania. Struck down in her prime by a German submarine, taking 1198 screaming men, women and children to their graves in 18 minutes. We will remember. Lest we Forget.