Anniversaries 2002-present

I took a self-design of which I made. It includes pictures of
the ravaged earth, Hiroshima, a dead horse carrying munitions, French soldiers KIA photographed in a trench during WWI, an image of Arlington Nat'l Cemetary. Framed and matted with a word perfect quote adorning the piece..."WAR IS A HUNGRY BEAST THAT DEVOURS EVERYTHING IN IT'S PATH ". I placed them aside my bible and voiced..."We pray for peace O'Lord..."

Michael Cundiff
This year is a double anniversary. For the Lusi I post a work in progress Leaving The Old World, An acrylic medium painting of the Lusitania Clearing thecoast of Ireland for the west.

The other anniversary was for my father and that rememberance is more ongoing.
POSTSCRIPT: I failed to note that I also added the coffin photo in relation to Lusitania on my matted & framed piece mentioned above. It was too heartwrenching to add the children's morgue photographs...

Michael Cundiff
I will post here so the Lusitania section has some life.

where has everyone gone?
My thoughts and prayers go out, today, as we must, all, remember the LUSITANIA victims, May 7, 1915.

[Moderator's note: This message and the one above it, originally a separate thread, have been moved to this thread about prior years' anniversaries. MAB]
Belated remembrance of the RMS Lusitania sinking and her victims. Also must remember that the 97th anniversary of the Empress of Ireland sinking is but a matter of days away, as well as the centenary of the launch of the all comes at once!

I'll probably watch Winsor McCay's "The Sinking of the Lusitania" on the 7th. And then, on the 8th, I'll listen to Herb Morrison's Hindenberg broadcast and wish my nephew a happy birthday. The lad's surrounded by destruction!


Same here. My big day happens to coincide with the night the Empress of Ireland and Storstad ran afoul of each other off Pointe-au-Pí¨re.

As for Lusitania, I'll think I'll kick back with a read of Eric Sauder's "The Ship and Her Record", Bailey and Ryan's book and a look at Jim and Mike's "Lest we Forget" articles here on ET.

Hell, I'll probably pull out my DVD copy of that National Geographic doc from many years back.

I spent the day watching Audrey Lawson Johnstone launch the new Lifeboat dedicated to her mother Amy Lea in New Quay onthe 7th May 89 years to the day in Mid Wales it was an absolutely fantastic day and Audrey was in top form at 89, despite a recent fall and bruising her ribs, she managed to cristen the new lifeboat with a bottle of champagne and even cracked the joke that she had her own personal torpedoe with her - referring to her daughter who was stood next to her

Hi Cliff, I stumbled onto your post somehow. I live in New Quay and was one of the lifeboat crew that served on the boat Amy Lea. In fact I was one of the crew that took part in the display that day in the harbour, I was the guy in the water being rescued.
Sadly the boat Amy Lea has now been retired after serving our community well.