A Lusitania Memorial Appeal

I received your email to help post the photo- but it seems it worked just fine all along, Cliff- and it looks wonderful! This could never have happened without you, for the red tape, and necessity of having to be British, not to mention numerous trips to Darlington were beyond my scope! Thanks to all at TIS, BTS, and the many people who sent in cash in envelopes, items for auction, and support from all corners. It was good to witness you present the grave paperwork and transfer officially to Barbara and her family last month, and I know how much it meant to all of them to know that Emily and the little one will be always remembered. Another wonderful thing has happened over the last week, for which we are all so grateful, the vision loss in Barbara's bad eye, which had so diminished her quality of life, returned inexplicably and once again she will be able to enjoy going to church, crochet and cooking. It's been a month full of good news for the family. And- the pink roses were so lovely on the day of dedication in Darlington. Job well done- it's a good feeling.
Mike, Paul Latimer please forgive for not acknowledging the NYT article, as i have said privately it was pivitol in locating the the information and where abouts of William Harkness

thanks again
