Are these photographs of the Titanic or Olympic

Anyone know who these two chaps are?


I actually do not have them in hand just something I came across but wanted to confirm before I pursue further these are of special interest as my great great grandfather James Kirkham was a greaser on the ship and went down with it,the story goes he was supposed to move permanently with his pregnant wife to the USA but she refused to go with him fortunately for me otherwise I would not be here.I do recall my great great grandmother but was too young to really understand the connection.I do have the last recorded interview ever made with Millvina Dean just before she died.
I actually do not have them in hand just something I came across but wanted to confirm before I pursue further these are of special interest as my great great grandfather James Kirkham was a greaser on the ship and went down with it,the story goes he was supposed to move permanently with his pregnant wife to the USA but she refused to go with him fortunately for me otherwise I would not be here.I do recall my great great grandmother but was too young to really understand the connection.I do have the last recorded interview ever made with Millvina Dean just before she died.

I sorry to hear that adrian waring, but I glad not more descendants of yours were harmed in any way. While not normally discussed or mentioned much, the sinking of Titanic was a very destructive and violent event both for those involved but also the families and friends on both sides of the Atlantic, if not the world.
These came up for auction in the UK it just ended I was after them myself but someone wanted them more than I did as they sold for around $8000 with commission figured in.
Again, I sorry to hear that, but on the bright side, with at least 1 new photo is found every year, at least they be more chances to buy/bid them. hopefully soon, more photos of the launch, passing though the Solent might be found.

Over 100,000 people attended the Belfast Launch, there has to be more photos hidden somewhere in a attic!
My wife thought I was crazy anyway as buy a Titanic photo or re-decorate the house and add a new lanai or look at a photograph I vouched for the photograph but still lost it anyway hahahaha
While Titanic Artefacts are aways tempting, I think the redecorating the house would been the better option. At least theirs also RMS Olympic furniture or White Star Products to be found.

If you want to make money, off topic, buy a Star Wars (or Lego Toy), leave in the attic to mature in price for a few decades, and you got yourself at least £1000 + profit.

Back To Topic!
I have actually done that with Lego and many others and made a good profit on it and I have 4 or 5 stored away already.I do it mostly with books and it funds my ability to go after this kind of thing though my wife Beth still preferred adding to the house I am after a couple of very early Bibles that rarely come up for sale in the next few weeks if not for that I probably would have made sure I got them
Hello Adrian,
Hope all is well and your staying safe during this Pandemic. Me and my daughter have taken the time to look into our Ancestry. My Great Grandmother's Father John was James Kirkham's brother. Either a great Uncle or a cousin, but we are related. :)

I would love to learn more about the family because as a devote Catholic and a Spiritualist, there have been gifts that have been passed down and love to know where from. My great grandmother was a healer and knew what doctors did not.

God Bless and stay safe.