Titanic or Olympic ?

Maybe the man in the picture in Post #8 (he looks as if he might be posing for the picture) took the pictures of the woman and child pictures in Posts #1 and #4 and the woman in the pictures in Posts #1 and #4 took the picture of the man in the picture in Post #8 ?

Husband, Wife and Child Family out for a walk and pictures ?

The picture in post #8 is unrelated to the picture in post #1 and #4. Picture in #8 is a official photograph for H&W (can not remember the name of photographer) taken about March 1911.
The other 2 (post #1 and #4) are 2 of 3 private taken snap shots from about February 1911.
Hello everyone !
I found this picture on the Internet and I wonder if this is the Titanic or the Olympic. If the funnel we see is the third funnel, it would be the Olympic but if it is the second funnel it would be the Titanic. However, I cannot be sure of which funnel it is because of the angle... Can you help me out on this ?
View attachment 49159
(Picture credit)

Manon :)

It's clearly the Olympic.
There is another snap shot taken from forward at the bow which I can not find at the moment.
Hello everyone,
I believe that I have found the picture you were talking about Ioannis (third picture taken by this family):
Olympic (3).jpg

It is clearly the same little girl !
