Attempt to repair the starboardside damage

>>how would be repair could be done?<<

With the equipment, resources and training available then, about the most they could have done was isolate the damaged compartments and hope they could survive long enough to be towed to port. Any permanent repairs would have to be made in drydock.

i think towing titanic to the port until it reached the drydock might be possible. considering that she have 3 compartment filled with water and small holes recieved from impact with iceberg. But how about if the damage was severe such as what happened to britannic. With 6 compartment full and huge hole on her bottom, and ship rose heavily in an angle and consider britannic was in the middle of atlantic and stay afloat.

How the ship could be towed? I'm thinking if pulling ship that has a big hole filled with water will split the forward section to the rest of the ship.

>>But how about if the damage was severe such as what happened to britannic. <<

Then the whole question becomes moot. Any damage which would (And did) kill the Britannic would be non-survivable for the Titanic. There would be no repair, no tow, no drydock.

>>How the ship could be towed? I'm thinking if pulling ship that has a big hole filled with water will split the forward section to the rest of the ship.<<

By attatching the tow lines to the stern. There are as many bitts, cleats, and chocks back there for lines as there are up forward.
>>now i get it, that method will distribute all the force not only on the bow but also the entire ship.<<

Uh...not exactly. The idea behind towing the ship stern first is to relieve the structure of the hydrodynamic stresses of having the damaged section towed through the water.