Beesley in a 10-gallon hat

You guys a hilarious!

Pat, if he wasn't crossed out from the original manifest (I never got that far when I searched records) then he was there, it's only on the electronic search that crossed out people appear.

I just wanted to be sure that this 24 year old was THE Beesley. Seems that he is. Perhaps it was a typo or incorrect handwriting reading for 34 (even then Beesley shaved off a few years). I haven't seen the original "24" so I'm only guessing here.

Hope you guys all had a GREAT New Years!


PS. I know the date of this post still says 31st, but here in Sydney we've just celebrated New Years and by the time most of you will read this, it would be after New Years.
Happy New Year, Daniel! And thanks for all your help, sir.

I'm still tracking down this elusive Beesley chap - I'm beginning to wonder what the possibilities would be of someone else, say a younger brother, using Lawrence's passport (I just received word from a member of the family who stated that he defniitely said after he got back from the catastrophe he never went - and would never go - to sea again).

All this may be just a tempest in a teapot but it's great fun checking into, ain't it?

Best regards, O M
Pat: I resisted this impulse for SO long, but ... Is it too late to inject a paraphrase here?

'Rockets! Anybody knows what rockets at sea mean, Pardner.'

Alright. I thought so. (Dallas, huh? Hmmm.) ;^)

>>'Rockets! Anybody knows what rockets at sea mean, Pardner.' <<

Why shore ah do! It means the fishin's reeeeaaaallll good here. 'Course, but the time everybody gits thar, all the fishies ha' done been skeered away. (All them beer cans bein' pitched into the water...)

Michael H. Standart
Well now, I can always toss some of my "homebrew" into the water. The fishies will be too busy lapping it up to run away, and it'll give new meaning to the term "pickled herring."

Got any good recipes?

Michael H. Standart
FINALLY! I didn't think I'd EVER get back in here. We HAVE to change ISPS.

In an uncharacteristic turn, I'll get back on topic here a bit. Sen and I have been palavering over our man Beesley and he pointed out to me something else I missed - on the Minnewaska manifest it ALSO lists this Beesley as a 'widower'. Another point his favor. I think that nails this one as him for fair.

Now, if we can locate that Dallas connection...

Best regards,
Pat: Now you've hit me in a soft spot!

Pecans. God, how I remember fresh Georgia pecans. And Mayhaw jelly. And peaches!!

No wonder Beesley headed south, y'all! :)

(Plus he *was* a widower, right? I've heard those Texas gals are mi-i-i-ighty fine.)

I thought maybe he went there to get a genuine rattlesnake hat band for his 10 gallon hat.... or maybe a belt buckle. o.k. o.k. I'm leaving....... I can hear the groans, hisses and boo's (booze?) from here..... wha...what is that!? >>splat!!<< AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! A rotten tomato. Obviously some from George's left over book signing days. (sigh) Great, Behe defending Beesley..(shrug)