Boilers and boiler rooms


when was watching some titanic expeditions there was video of displaying titanic boilers from boiler room 2 and these boilers were buckled inwards suggesting they imploded and one of steam pipes looks like spiral,what caused this type of damage to steam pipe?

another question is did WTDs were closed between boiler room 2 and 1 and between boiler room 1 and engine room? when ship started to breakup the WTDs were still open or float system triggered autoclosing them?

third question is about boiler room 3,are there any withness/inquiries it started to flood? i.e water was rushing throught open WTD between BR4 and BR3? or it was coming throught floor? perhaps ballast tanks failed and started to spill the water? there was on one of expeditions suggested that double bottom tanks imploded too but cant find it anymore.