Captains of the Queen Mary

Hi Eric,
I'm a little short of articles relating to Mauretania.I have a photograph of C.G. Illingworth on board,dated 1934 and a rather lovely limited edition print of the ship.Curiously I have a good friend whose grandfather, James Boyle, also served on Mauretania at the same time.
We would both be interested in seeing the minutes that you possess.
My grandparents divorced, and Cyril remarried and settled in California.Fortunately,I have some personal items that are important,like his telescope.Many important artefacts have been lost.
I'm interested in building up my family history.
With good wishes,
Steve Illingworth
Dear Steve,

Many thanks for responding. I will transcribe the minutes I have for you and scan his signature. One page back and front handwritten but good fun and with the signatures of many. Please do not share them but with your friend as they are slated for a project. I would be interested in seeing the photo you mentioned as I believe I may have a few candids of your grandfather as well. It will take me a bit to dig out the minutes but I will get to it. If memory serves he held another position prior to Staff Captain. Please write me at the address in my signature line so I can send the minutes and if you care to share the photo, which would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,