Unpublished photo of the Queen Mary

Richard- It is a sad fact, but as was said above, unless one right click disables one's photos before posting them, one DOES tend to find the better shots all over the 'net and eBay. I recently had the dubious pleasure of having someone send me a scan of one of my OWN PHOTOS as coming from his personal archive. There is a great inclination to share these things, but unfortunately one must post lower quality scans and "brand" them as Jason has done....it is quite annoying to find a photo for which one paid a not inconsiderable amount of money being sold on eBay by someone else. I always crop my shots after I scan them, using some internal feature as an 'invisible' guide line so I always know when the photo on eBay is one of my own.

>I wouldn't want you to miss a single opportunity to publish the picture as soon as the offers start rolling in.

Believe it or not, they do. An even fifty or so of my better shots are coming out in book form shortly, lent to an author who saw them here on ET. A second book was just released in the UK with perhaps a dozen of my photos in it- again, an author I met through ET. So, there is a fair chance that someone will see Jason's QM shot who might want to publish it in either book or magazine form. A lot of people "lurk" here, and many of us have been surprised by off board contacts. I hope that someone does eventually pick the photo up- it is a nice shot.
>>but I am one of those people who believe that history belongs to everyone. If the photo is truly as unique as we might believe, then one person shouldn't have the only access to it. <<

History may belong to everyone but copyright issues and all the rights that append to that still apply. Jason, Jim, and Ernie all make some valid points about internet piracy. It's a very common problem and one that doesn't look like it's going to be brought under control anytime soon. I don't blame anyone for wanting to protect their rights in regards the research they've done or the ephemera in their lawful possession.

If people want to see this photo, then all they have to do is come here to this very thread to do so.
I, too, wish to say that we have to respect Jason's thoughts and feelings on this issue.

I, for one, would never try to make a profit on that shot. However, we cannot presume that others will feel the same way. As Jim has stated, there are individuals who try to claim your photos and prints are theirs, and do so withouth the slightest thought of sharing any gains they have, nor acknowledging anyone else's contributions. Sad, but unfortunately true.
John thanks for the offer. Now we really have to get a group together and make it happen!

I have to agree with the thoughts on piracy. One only has to type in "Titanic Photo" on Ebay to easily identify scans that have been taken from well known books which are easy to identify by the way the photos have been cropped. I wont list names of sellers who do this on a regular basis but needless to say this kind of practice ruins it for everyone. There are people who would like to share but dont for the fear of having their property stolen, which in totally understandable.
What a great pic! Thanks for sharing it. I have been in love with the QM since I was a child growing up in Southern California. I spent many days on the decks of that ship. It's just wonderful.