Col John Weir

Hello Helen,

WOW, ahellova lotta questions
. I'm very busy at the moment, but I will try and e-mail you within the next week. Unfortunately I can't help you much. I've never looked into Weir, and only checked in my sources if there was a claim for him because you brought up the subject of John Weir. I haven't got the claim but will order it and send you a copy (hopefully it's not the one you have).

Warm Regards,

Sorry about that Daniel, I suppose I just got excited at the prospect of getting something new on Col Weir. As I said I am new to the research thing and really don't know anywhere else to look but this site and it's links. I understand you are busy and I apologise for all the questions. Please take your time in responding - and again I thankyou for all your assistance.

Kind Regards
Hello everyone - long time no post. I have been very busy doing up my family tree and then out of the blue I received a message from a distant relative of mine from America. What a small world. I hope everyone is well.
Keep Smiling

No need to wait for the claim for Colonel
Weir's personal goes:

Gold watch and chain 250.00
Gold chain 75.00
Two gold pencils 5.00
One gold cigar cutter 15.00
One gold cigar cutter 10.00
Gold match-box 25.00
Gold change-purse 7.00
Sapphire and diamond ring 200.00
Gold guard 2.00
Five gold studs 25.00
One set diamond studs 75.00
One set garnets 5.00
One set gold studs 5.00
One set turquoise cuff links 50.00
Single pearl pin 500.00
Gold stick pin with diamond 25.00
One set gold cuff links 15.00
One set gold cuff links 20.00
Ruby and diamond ring 450.00
One-half dozen vests 30.00
One-half dozen sets underclothes 18.00
Eighteen shirts 35.00
One and one-half dozen pairs socks10.00
Dressing gown 10.00
Bath gown 10.00
Dress-suit with dinner jacket 75.00
Three navy-blue suits 100.00
Two dozen collars (shirt, sic) 5.00
One set military brushes 7.00
Silver nail clippers 2.00
Clothes brushes and hat brushes 5.00
Bowler hat 2.00
Two caps 2.00
Two overcoats 50.00
Mackintosh 25.00
Four pair boots, night slippers 20.00
Steamer trunk 20.00
Valise containing articles for
immediate use, dressing gown, etc25.00
Gloves 15.00
Passage money paid 150.00

Total, 2375.00

I was hoping that you may be able to come
across an exact date of birth for the Colonel.
It is interesting that his siblings have had
their dates recorded, but not he himself.
Hope this is of interest,


Effects is one thing, I was going to send it to her because of all of the legal stuff there. The other 4 or so pages of "info". She may have been interested to look at the whole thing.

Col John Weir was born on the 14th of May 1852 in Lanhope Scotland Selkirt. This is information I have had sent to me from a distant relative in America. Thankyou for all the information that you sent Daniel, I very much appreciate it.
Thanks very much for that birthdate. That's a detail that has been lacking till now. Have you been able to locate information about his wife and daughter?
Sorry once again that it has taken such a long time for me to get back to the site - I have not had much time to be able to do any research but as more comes to hand I will add it here.
Kind Regards to all
Keep Smiling

Hello again. If you hold on tight and if it's of interest enough, someone might publish my theory on the Cave List. In short, the reason Weir is not on the list is because the Cave List was printed before Weir even booked. Going by his price, and that Mr. Julian met him on board, I'm *guessing* that he was also on E deck.


PS. Didn't Mr. Gee meet Weir as well?
Hi Helen,

I'd agree with Daniel that E-deck is a strong possibility for Weir's cabin, or possibly an inside C-deck berth. When you take into consideration the large number of "unnocupied" cabins remaining on E-deck when Titanic sailed, it seems reasonable to assume that many first class men who paid fares around the £26 mark were berthed on E-deck.

As far as I'm aware, Weir and Julian were among the most elusive on board as next to nothing has ever been recorded by fellow passengers in regards to their shipboard actions and movements. I can't recall, offhand, if Arthur Gee mentioned Weir in his letters.


Actually Julian is not as elusive as one might think. He wrote at least three letters to his wife about his life aboard Titanic which give quite an interesting insight not only into him being on board, but into Titanic as well.
