Communication with Titanic's dead

I have seen a documentary about the Titanic many years ago and there was a few minutes where somebody was describing what the ghosts of Titanic were like at that time, i think she was a medium. (i dont know if thats the right word) I am just wondering, does anybody know of any other communications that have been made with people who died on the Titanic?
All BS IMO. I'll believe that when pigs fly.

Claims like this are jsut as interesting as john Edwards stupid tv show that was cancelled some years ago.
Does anybody know of any communications that gave light on the disaster and what happened when the ship was going down? Something personal or something to do with people like captain Smith or Murdoch?

I know that this kind of communication could not give exact evidence or could not be classed as reliable but anything that people have dreamt etc.

I have personally had a dream about a ship, which i presume was the Titanic.

The ship was going down and people were running around. A man who i think was in a wheel chair seemed to be a member of the ships crew?

Was there such a person?

>>I know that this kind of communication could not give exact evidence or could not be classed as reliable but anything that people have dreamt etc.

It's not evidence at all since any such "dream communications" or other psychic phenomenon are utterly impossible to verify, and it's been attempted through a number of double blind studies. I've also had the occasional dream about a ship but I have no reason to suppose they're anything but sheer fantasy or to conclude that I'm getting messages from beyond the grave. I'll offer you a couple of links to peruse below, but beyond that, you'll have to do your own homework.
"Claims like this are jsut as interesting as john Edwards stupid tv show that was cancelled some years ago."

Too bad John Edwards didn't see into the future and predict the cancelling of his show! ;`}
Mr. Usher: W. T. Stead was a writer interested in the paranormal. He received warnings from friends not to go on the Titanic. He also wrote a book- From the Old World to the New (1892)- containing a fictional episode involving the S.S. Majestic, headed by E. J. Smith, following another ship that struck an iceberg in the mid-Atlantic. Stead went on the Titanic anyway, and died. His daughter managed to get Stead's report on his experience channeled by a medium, and the daughter (Estelle Stead) published it in The Blue Island: Experiences of a New Arrival beyond the Veil. A portion of this is in The Titanic Reader, edited by John Wilson Foster and published by Penguin, 1999. (This is a GREAT anthology). Anyway, Stead reported that when all the dead were gathered and ready, they all rose up with great speed on what felt like a platform, to a place where "all was brightness and beauty". Right after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, I saw a small sketch done by a college employee, showing the dead from the World Trade Center rising up to heaven on a sort of platform. Hmmmm.
Adam, I know of several people who claim to have been in contact with the spirits of men such as Murdoch and Smith (some more reputable than others). As I cannot prove or disprove their allegations, and most have chosen not to go public with their claims, I note what they have to say with interest but do not factor them in to my own work.
I have mentioned this before on another thread but thought I could lend a few words here. A long while ago, I was Very involved with the paranormal. One of the things I did was divining and a little dabbling in Necromancy. (I know, I know....!) Anywho, I had an Ouija Board that I used quite extensively and with mostly strong results. the "contact" I had on my board was a spirit named "E.J." How do I know this? Cause he told me. The planchet of an Ouija Board will move in a predictable pattern, depending on which spirit you are communicating with. This spirit moved the planchet back on forth, from "E" to "J". Over and over again. So one day i asked.."Is this your name?" "no" was the reply. "Your initials?" "Yes" this got me to thinking. "Were you a Sailor?" "Yes" "Did you die in the water?" "Yes" this point I got a little creeped out due to my facination and knowledge of the ship so I never asked the all important question of if it was actually Cpt. Smith. I just never did. Now some of you will read this and think to yourselves.."What a load of *&%@#!&^" Others will not. It happened as sure as I am typing this right now. You have my word. It's kinda like Ripley's....."Believe it, or Not!"
Too bad John Edwards didn't see into the future and predict the cancelling of his show! ;`}

Reminds me of the lady who sang on American Idol Auditions. She was a psycic and predicted she would go through. She wasn't a very good singer and an even worse psycic!

I find William T. Stead to be one of the more interesting passangers. Along with the story of Mrs.Hart.
I'm sure just about all of them from Tarot Cards to Oujia Boards...and you can bet the mediums made a really good living at it too!
I Think he's talking about the 1982/ '83 Titanic documentary, "A Question of Murder." In the beginning, Eva Hart is a seance. The medium is talking to her parents, and says, "your Father is as talkative as ever." Quite a good documentary, pre-discovery, as you know. Saw Frank Prentice! And they go to Titanic conventions, talk with some people. Do recommend!!