Supernatural or Paranormal Titanic

Hi Amanda,

I didn't realize you were looking for George's Titanic: Psychic Forewarnings of Tragedy. I just bought a used copy through Amazon. Keep an eye out for used books there - you can find some good stuff!

Best wishes,

i was recently informed on a Titanic ghost by a friend several weeks ago.
He noted it after reading up in the Newcastle Herald about an 1890's house in the Newcastle suburb of Wallsend.
It was being auctioned and previously owned by "relatives of Titanic victim Albert McCray"
Does anyone know who these people were, and if it's correct?
The news article stated it to be haunted by the ghost of McCray himself, waking the occupants in their sleep and opening windows on cold evenings. It is also mentioned he had often visited the house in his childhood. After hearing this i found in the Wallsend Library additinal information on the house - reading that when it had been used as flats (2, one on each floor)a young girl often had scary dreams of drowning and the bath tub water was always much colder than the kitchen sink water!
Can anyone add anything to this story?
I could add quite a bit to it, under a principle mentioned by Isaac Asimov. Asimov noted that the beauty of nonsense is that you can always add a bit to it, since no consistency or logic is required. I'll add that the water in the bath tub is always coldest in mid-April and especially on moonless nights.

As for Albert, he was et by a lion, as everybody knows.
Matt, spirits are hard to track down but the living are easier, so check out the ET search engine on the main page ('Find Titanic passengers and crew') and try finding Albert McCray. That should settle it.

Dave, if I remember right the lion was exonerated by Lord Mersea at an early stage in his career:

The Magistrate gave his opinion
That no one was really to blame
And he said that he hoped the Ramsbottoms
Would have further sons to their name.
I believe Albert's mum disagreed with the judgement, however. My memory's not good, but wasn't her comment something like:

Spend my life raising sons
To feed ruddy lions - not me!