Container Ship Collapses the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore

Adding coal to the fire that the Baltimore incident was no accident by those that like to believe that.
If people did a simple search they would realize these things are not all that unique. Even the U.S. Navy has had a bad run with collisions over the last decade or so.
Coincidences happen all the time. That's not an evil government plot or a scheme but whatever nameless, faceless THEMS and THEYS one loves to live in fear of. That's real life. Start dealing with it.

And this just in:

"Fourth Body Recovered From Submerged Vehicle After Maryland Bridge Collapse" Click on

Yes. I was reading recently about the Exxon Valdez fiasco. Wasn't a bridge but grounded. Nothing funny about it but it was a comedy of errors and flat out negligence. And it came to light later the chemicals they used for the clean up was worse than the oil.
We recently nearly had a repeat performance with a container ship and a bridge. This time a throttle jammed but a skillful pilot saved the day. The ship has been arrested for causing damage to a wharf. Funny how I know of another ship that dragged a moored ship from a wharf.
