Dave Gittins' Book or rather CD-Rom on the British Inquiry

Glad to hear that, Senan. I was late in reading this thread, so I was not singling your post out specifically.

I realize that it's difficult to understand someone's expressions on the internet (hence the need for expressive emoticons). But there just seems to be too much assumption of personal attack when none is intended.

Perhaps we might all benefit by working out ways to post using language that is not easily misconstrued as an attack - or reading posts with the benefit of the doubt that one is not being personally attacked but offered friendly advice.

Let's always keep in mind why we're here and whose memories we are honoring by being here.

Kind regards,
hmmm......I only finally found a use for Internet Explorer, reading Dave G. CD book, besides that though I'll still continue to use Firefox for web Browsing. Looking forward to reading it.
Dave, I have finally had a few hours to go thoroughly over the cd-rom and all I can say is congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment. The cd worked perfectly. The type is sharp and of a size comfortable on the eyes, the images as well. The pop-up notes and footnotes are excellent use of the format as is the active links throughout the index.

Your writing style is often wry, yet informative and on-point, making for an enjoyable reading experience. The volume of information covered is impressive, and often thought provoking. I am particularly intrigued by your very novel solution to the lack of damage to the starboard side of the ship beyond boiler room five.

Your chapter on the Californian was more balanced and even-handed than many I have seen. I may not agree with your conclusions on this issue, but I think you have made the strongest case against Captain Lord since Reade.

I hope to have a complete review up on the site within a few days.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
G'day, Mike! Thanks for your kind words.

I didn't chase you about the e-book because I knew you would be on the receiving end of Wilma. I hope you and your shop came out in one piece. I suppose you lost business during the last few days.

I'm glad you like the type size and so on. My intention was to make reading a relaxing experience. My own sight is a bit imperfect and I figured that if I could read it easily, others would also be at ease.

My "very novel solution" is in the chapter entitled Legends, Myths and Ratbaggery. When I researched it, I was surprised at the amount of supporting evidence I found. Is my idea ratbaggery, or commonsense?
Dave, since someone brought up the possibility of your marketing the book as a hardbound copy, you might be aware that publishers are well known to cast aside manuscripts that have been posted on the internet or sold as self-published books or e-books, as there are legalities that get in the way of the publishers' commercial rights.

However, there are ways to self-publish that are not at all expensive, if you want to contact me about them. These sites give you full control of your manuscript, including how the cover art is done and price-setting, and even give you options to sell your book on all major booksites such as Amazon, B&N and Borders.

It might be worth looking into, since your e-book is already out there on the market.

Hi Dave,
Yeah, Wilma kept us on pins and needles for a whole week because it stalled over the poor folks in the Yucatan. Business took a nose dive and not just for me. Everyone was doing the same thing I was, waiting and watching to see what track it would eventually take. Fortunately for us, it took the southern route, but the folks in Miami/Dade really got slammed. The economic impact still clobbered us, even though the storm didn't.

As to your "very novel solution" to the lack of damage to the aft starboard side makes a great deal of sense to me. Of course, the technical people who know a whole lot more about this stuff than me may have plenty to tear the theory to threads. lol. But your solution solves SO many problems about what happened or didn't happen on the bridge, I will be very curious to see what the experts have to say.

Perhaps the most exciting part for me is that when you have read as many Titanic books as I have, a lot starts to blur together. When someone comes up with a totally new and unique theory, I sit up and take notice. It is the kind of common sense answer that is so basic that I am shocked that no-one has come up with it before! Again, it may turn out to be totally wrong, and I really look forward to hearing what others have to say about this.

By the way, can you get a PayPal account Down Under? That would be, by far, the easiest way for people to pay you with the least amount of hassle for both them and you. You should look into it, if you haven't already.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Jesse, as per the post above with the buying information, Dave can accept Australian dollars only. You should be able to arrange something through your bank by way of an International money order reckoned in the currency of the nation and in Dave Gittin's name.

I'll need to find some time next week after work to get this done.

I was wondering however if Mike Tennero may be getting several copies of this work in his own inventory. This would save American buyers a tiny bit of hoop jumping, but it may not be practical for him to do this unless he can get a number of orders confirmed and perhaps even prepaid.
Personally, I like either the Paypal idea, or buying thru Michael Tennaro's bookstore. I've bought thru Michael before, and have been very happy with the service.

As far as a hardbound copy of Dave's work goes - its kind of hard to say, not having seen it. But there are things you can do with a web-type presentation, impossible to do with a real book. Take a look at Roy Mengot's web-site - some great things there, and the way it was presented, just wouldn't be as effective in a real book form.
Hi Dave,

It sounds a great, original piece of work. I'll be getting my payment in order and writing off to you ASAP.


Best wishes,
