Edwardian evening gown

Hello all! I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any Edwardian evening gowns? I should probably say "Titanic era" of like 1911, 1912 or 1913. I've found many original gowns but they are all (as you can imagine) expensive or already sold. I'm kinda looking for a pattern. I know around the time of the '97 movie, patterns sprang up but I cannot find them now, just wondering if anyone has any ideas.

Simplicity and Butterick have some patterns in their costume section. For a ready-made dress, go to Victorian Trading Company. They have a nice one onsale at the moment. victoriantradingco.com/...
I just got this one from this company for the upcoming TIS banquet.

Another company which has amazing repro clothing in the 1850-1920 styles is Recollections. I have purchased many items from this company and they are fast, reasonably priced, and have amazing accessories.Victorian, Edwardian, Pioneer, and Civil War Fashions
Click on Edwardian Era for 5 pages of pretty period items. Check out the clearance and sale links too to get some bargains. I love their hats too, although it is easy to trim up a hat you might already have with a large brim using ostrich feathers and lace and lots of wide ribbon. Ostrich feathers can be found super cheap on ebay.


You might as well buy that dress, because--trust me, I've made at least a dozen of them--you're going to spend at least that much in fabric and embellishments to make a decent gown.

Thanks Shelley! Wow, you bought that dress? It's beautiful! And I also love Edwardian hats! Thank you it was really helpful. And Kyrila you are right on that too, since Edwardian evening gowns are so extravigant in the first place it would cost about the same...Thanks!
That's so true about the price coming out the same in the end for ready-made versus do -it-yourself. You can save lots on making your own accessories and finding bits of jewelry, strap, low-heeled pumps and little beaded handbags, but the fabrics and trim bought by the yard at the store will break the bank. Often you have to shop in the bridal section. Lace overlays cost the earth! I learned this the hard way -not to mention the stress of sewing it yourself, trying not to waste fabric or make a mistake.
This one from the same company is a steal at 69 dollars and could be dressed up with a lace wrap, jewelry and some black ostrich feathers in the hair. They still have it in large or small at this price. Kyrila and I love our fancy duds!

You can save money on laces and trims by visiting your local GoodWill or Salvation Army thrift shops (or other thrift shops) for old wedding and prom dresses--dirt cheap! And then transfer them to your dress or hat project.

If you ever get to the Dallas area there is a Vintage clothing store about 33 miles south that always has great edwardian clothing.....THE Kaufmans have been in business for almost 30 years.....they have even done costumes for movies......anyway I bought a great 1910-1913 evening gown from them for $20...the tulle needs to be replaced but it has incredible silver lace on it.....and I even bought the original silver shoes for $15....
sure www.bontonvintage.com there may not be anything on their website but they have a huge 2 story building full of some of the best vintage...they have been voted the best in Texas several times......Barbara is the nicest person.....she has everything from patterns to bits and pieces of lace.......last time I was there she had an incredible bustle suit in a beautiful shade of blue......
there is also a shop called vintage martini here in Dallas....they buy alot of their stuff from Bon Ton........then mark the price way up.....way UP!!!!!!! vintagemartini.com......I should dig the 1912 silver lace dress out and take a pic and post it........then there is the huge plumed edwardian hat....and the silver shoes......the black velvet motoring coat and hobble skirt.....part of my collection can be seen on my space page.... myspace.com/1969cubby