Edwardian evening gown

Kyrila I was at Barns and Nobels the other day and they have an incredible book about the 20s-40s designers....My Favorites are Adrian and Dior...my fav design of Dior is from 1948...this incredible strapless velvet and silk tulle with cabbage roses that required 110 yards of material in the skirt.......Edith Head is another fav.......
Their website has all the books Inger mentioned, but I'm not in a position to purchase them right now. I've been out of work for a few weeks. (Thanks to Wachovia, for wiping out my employer!)
sorry to hear that........i recently had an finacial change in my life too.........left a cheating lying abusive man and 200k a year security....but life gets better.....don't let it get you down
I went to a huge Estae sale this weekend......bought a killer pair of black leather shoes with little rhinestone buckles..old store stock.....was looking at them and found the date may1912....paid $8 for them......also bought a pair of ladies feather fans($5)and a huge plastic tub of mens ties.....300 of them...anyway thought you guys might like to see the shoes