Dear anybody

Would anyone know the fate of first class passenger Eleanor Cassebeer? I have done extensive research in this woman and have found that she was first married to Lewis Frank Peak but was divorced and remarried to Henry Arthur Cassebeer Jr. Rumour has it that this marriage had also disintegrated by April 1912. I have also discoved that she was travelling from Paris (I do have the address but I'm at university and don't have it with me) to see her parents the Fosdicks in Manhattan.

A piece of evidence that I can't seem to back up is that Eleanor originally boarded the Titanic as a 2nd class passenger but, being dissatisfied with her accommodations, was transferred to 1st class. Possibly this is why her stateroom number can't be ascertained. . . . . .

Eleanor is then credited for helping Walter Lord during the writing of 'A Night to Remember'. After this I cannot find anything on this elusive woman. Maybe somebody out there has managed to trace her? If anybody can tell me anything regarding Mrs Cassebeer's further whereabouts please contact me.


Cameron Bell
Hello, Cameron! Great to hear from a fellow clansman

If Mrs Cassebeer did help out Mr Lord, then it was more than likely her information in 'The Night Lives On' that she states she changed from a Second Class cabin to one of the greatest staterooms on the Titanic (as it is said in the book). She was a very experienced traveller, so I am sure that the Titanic disaster was not the last voyage for her. I wish you luck in finding out more information about her, and was fascinated to hear that she had once been formerly married (Henry Arthur Cassebeer, Junior, I believe died and that was the result of the end of their marriage). Take care, and again, good luck to you!
Dear Cameron, Mrs Cassebeer was seated at the purser's table just next to philantropist William T.Stead and New York lawyer Frederic Seward. Walter Lord tells us that Mrs. Henry B. Cassebeer was "an impecunious young widow, but a very experienced traveler." Apparently, she managed to persuade the purser's office to upgrade her ticket from second class to first class - perhaps to a few pounds changed hands - and then to charm the chief purser into seating her at his table. Presumably McElroy enjoyed the company of an attractive young woman and thought she would add leaven to a mix that included intellectual heavyweights like Stead. I hope this can help you!

Hello, does someone know where Eleanor Genevieve Cassebeer, first class passenger, had her cabin? If no, which deck she was on? Thank you.

The Latest Find

When I originally posted my own bio on the message board, I mentioned that the ultimate find for me as a Titanic passenger researcher would be to track down 1st Class passenger Eleanor Genevieve Cassebeer, long sought by many researchers but ever elusive. Several board members have asked me on occasion if I'd made any progress on her. She seemed to just defy being tracked. No normal means of research seemed to lead to her or even give a clue as to what became of her. But-to use Senan Molony's immortal phrase--I am going WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP, DANCE AROUND THE TABLE! As of 3:53 P.M. on November 21, 2000, Mrs. Cassebeer is found. I'll conduct my usual gathering of documents, etc. and then decide on a venue to write up an article on her. This one now supplants my other proudest accomplishment of having tracked down Mary Kingcome Hewlett. Now there are less than 65 passengers to be tracked down out of 712 survivors. (And the crew are showing up as well-).

Next on the priority list is Robert Hichens--I'll declare war on him after Thanksgiving and see how quick I can make him fall.

Forgive me if I seem braggy, but I'm like a little kid opening a big Christmas present.

Congratulations! Great job. Do we now have to refer to you as "Detective Gowan" or is just Sir okay? (giggles)

I am so happy for you Phil.
Thanks Michael, no--she didn't get buried in someone's back yard. Wasn't done in by relatives. Like "Old Rose" died a very old woman (hopefully in a warm bed).

And Maureen, anything other than "Dr. Death Certificate" is pretty much OK with me--

Hey Phil!

Congratulations on your recent find. I look forward to hearing more!

Now can you help me find my missing car keys, the charger for my cell phone and the shoes I accidently left at the YMCA last week?

Whacko the billy-o Phil!

"Dr. Death Certificate"? Nah. I always think of you as Titanic's Mr Hatches, Matches & Despatches. (Er... ...I hope that's all right?)

I do remember your mentioning Mrs Cassebeer in your introduction. A while back I would've wondered how someone with a gloriously un-anonymous name like that could remain hidden for so long. Such naivety. However, knowing about the depth and dedication of your work I really appreciate that you're tap dancing like a mad thing at the mo.

That in the midst of tracking down your own interests you still make the time to graciously assist others (myself included, thanks!) in wending through the records makes your success even greater - and more deserved, if that's at all possible. Good one, Phil.

Am now looking forward to your declaration of war on QM Hichens and the subsequent despatches from the field. Oh, and reading about the mysterious-for-not-much-longer Mrs Cassebeer.

Whoop, whoop, whoop, indeed - and don't get blisters on your toes.


Atta boy, Phil! I always knew you'd succeed -- it was just a matter of time.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your visit to good old Michigan will come to pass. What a day we'll have! The places we'll go! The people we'll see! ;-)

All my best,

Your note reminded me that I haven't helped you quite as much as I promised--the scan will be forthcoming promptly! (Two in fact). Whacko-the billy-o huh? Love that phrase--will have to find an opportunity to use it. Actually although I'll soon declare war on Hichens, I've already had a few skirmishes, and am happy to report that the South has won those-he's surrendering his secrets though his own final enclave is yet to be barnstormed.

George, You can't imagine how I'm looking forward to Michigan and meeting you and Pat and *others* of Titanic interest.

Senan, pass a case o'beer.

Thanks guys-
I'll take that crate, Phil - you only drink Diet Cokes, remember. You had me mortified in those pubs in Dublin and Black Belfast, particularly the tough one down on the docks, the Rotterdam...
At the end of the crate I shall still shalute Mrs Calabash, whoever she is.
I've heard that Irish beer is pretty strong....made of mud or some such thing (LOL! ;-)}

Haven't been a beer drinker since my college days though, but if I ever got the chance to visit Ireland to see where my great grandparents came from, I'd certainly not embarrass you and order Diet Coke!