I don't think we're dealing with a troll. Just somebody who is honestly confused about the information she has in front of her. I hope she's not using Babelfish to translate. By any account I've ever heard, that program is a real steaming piece of bovine fecal matter.
Miss Diddy Casseboro was a first class passenger and ocupped a C deck Cabin
She was saved

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted as a separate thread, has been moved to this pre-existing thread addressing the same subject. MAB]
eleanor cassebeer death date

Hi i am just asking when did eleanor cassbeer die i have bean reashing her and i cant find the death date

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted as a separate thread, has been moved to this pre-existing thread concerning the same passenger. MAB]
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As far as I am aware, the actual date of her death has never been released publically, if it is in fact known at all. According to a recent article in Voyage by Michael Poirer, Mrs. Cassebeer likely died sometime between 1968 and 1970. I highly recommend this biographical sketch for more information about her life. Michael did some excellent detective work.
I am writing in regards to post made (#76) by Charles Provost, about the letter written by Cassebeer in French. In particular interest is the stated:

-In the letter she does mention Thomas Andrews as someone she "knew well". She met him in the D deck foyer after the collision and he didn't even notice her when he walked past her.-

I am carious as to this, due to the fact that Johnstone makes note of female first class passengers inquiring about what had happened, and Andrews merely stating it was alright. (paraphrasing here) Then we also have Andrews saying the ship could be broken in three pieces, though this time makes it sound like it was on deck (as she just saw the iceberg???) Perhaps these events are one and of the same.

In short, I was wondering if I too may obtain a copy of this letter, or if anyone had any details as far as timings stated in this letter.
Eleanor Cassebeer wrote in her memories she occupied cabin D31
I think that has already been researched and confirmed in Mike Poirer's article Piecing Together a Titanic Puzzle here on ET. The following appears in that article with the quoted reference as BB's book Titanic the Ship Magnificient Part 1.


Eleanor Cassebeer occupied cabin D-31 aboard Titanic. Known as a "Bivvy cabin", the long passageway allowed interior rooms to have access to a porthole for natural light and air.