Engineering after the collision

Well, everyone seems to agree that the stern section had lights.

I thought there were a number of people who said the opposite. I will have to try and find the testimony. Where's Ioannis when you need him?
It is very frustrating to me how there are indeed a generous amount of survivors who stressed the opposite. They made a point to describe Titanic as being merely a black silhouette either shortly before the break up.
Alfred White view would have looked something like this

after break

View of the person who saw him (Maybe)
Funnel fallen
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Anyone play the game Titanic: Aventure Out of Time? I recall that right before the iceberg collides you have to climb up the 4th funnel and you can look down and see the same kind of perspective that Mr. White had seen as the ship broke in two.

In the game, your character named ''Agent Frank Carlson'' is told that a German Passenger was seen atop the funnel in Queenstown hiding something (implying that's he was the one seen in the photo). Climbing to the top from the engine room in-game, you find a notebook containing the names of spy's before you are caught by the same German Passenger, a spy.

That aside, here's the view you can see if lucky enough to own and get the game to work:
(Watch between 5:12 and 5:28)
Alfred White is my great-great-grandfather.
My great-grandfather his son also called Alfred; was born the year after he survived the Titanic. Two more generations of sons and then there is me.

I have also read the Charles Pellegrino Story :

No one in my family knows about this and I have just come across it and been looking into the story. I am desperate to know if this letter is real and if Alfred really did have this miraculous escape and incredible story.
There is very good evidence in addition to what is said there to think White's story is true. 1) The letter was written right after the sinking so there was no time for the story to change or to start to fantasize about, also to boot it was a private letter that was not meant to be seen by the public and those are usually quite reliable 2) White explains several key points about the sinking that where deemed by "Experts" not to be true like the break up as it was simply not possible and he was mistaken. Points like these at leas to me show that the story to some extent must be true, and to boot we have a witness of someone seeing someone in the num 4 funnel right at the end so there is that too
Thank you! all excellent points thank you so much for your expertise.
I was very skeptical as it just seemed so outlandish. It is wonderful to discover this letter of his account and add back to our family history. I think there was a lot lost when my grandfather moved to Australia from Southhampton as a young man but we do have a beautiful family portrait of Alfred his wife and all their children including little Alfred that must have been taken a few years after.
dynamo was powered by much smaller steam engine and it needed steam either from main line or emergency steam line but still needed steam,dynamo was spinned by steam engine,when engine stops the dynamo will slow down to stop aswell,but while spinning down still will produce electricity untill it stops.

ship breaks up but lights stayed on stern,then they start to dim up untill disappear completly? if they turned off during break and turn on after break then it appears to be not dynamo case as from inquiries we could read that lights stayed after break up for while but we dont know atleast

if they dimmed - dynamo spinning down - less power,less lights on stern.

if they disappear violently - something must gone wrong in switchboard,maybe fuses were going and circuit breakers were tripping like popcorn

there was somewhere photo related to part of switchboard system,does are there any more detail i.e position of breakers? if the board was turned upside down it would suggest that some breakers were in up position? the video link to exploration video showing up that breaker panel ebfore recovery would be great [if that video exsist at all]
Hi Richard
Just noticed your post - been off the site for a while.
The articles are now hosted on the following site - SS Richard Montgomery Matter
Scroll down to "Starting the big liners from cold "
I have a copy of your Black Gang book which is very good - often pick it up for a browse.
I was asked to put some "atmosphere" into the articles, and so I've edited the Olympic /Titanic, Mauretania, Normandie and QM and was intending revising most of them this year, but the pandemic has stopped us going to our farm more than one day a month, where it's query, and our town house is taking months for renovations to complete, so it's having to wait.
Hope you like them - feel free to comment!

Stephen Carey
PS The term redundancy is also used in the Oil and Gas industry, where say the 3 generators on a tanker are 2 used for the total load, 1 only at sea. This is termed 3x50% redundancy. Most other stuff on ships is 2x100% though - pumps, compressors etc.
Hello Stephen.

A thought occurred to me when I had a look at that site you highlighted. It was that the guy on the surfboard only needed a modern IED to detonate at a less than 100 feet below the surface by remote control to set that lot off. Also, since it is visible from the shore and everyone on the shore knows about it - what has stopped a terrorist doing what has been mooted?
The RN and British Army were using liberty ships for the same purpose right up until the late 50's.
I can tell you for sure - having been on an ammunition ship in action, -that the ordinance was not usually "live" and needed the RAOC to "doctor" it before use. In addition, there are very many sea bed sites all around the UK coast where unused ordinance was dumped after WW2. These were marked very clearly on the charts.
By the way, you should have a look at what happened the French destroyer Maille Breze anchored off Greenock in 1940. She was full of the stuff.

Take care.