Explorer poser

ok i recon you may know this. I've just got windows XP and installed T.E but the Quicktime videos are of a really bad quality (Godfather 3 bad!) can anyone help me?

Jack, I'm no computer expert, but it might help if you mentioned what you were using befor for those who are. There may be some incompatablility issues at work here. I have XP too, and my understanding is that even if I could get it, I couldn't run the Titanic Adventure Out of Time game on my rig even if I wanted to.

(I could be wrong!)
>>i need help with explorer not adventure out of time <<

I noticed that. The same problems of compatability may still apply. You might want to get a hold of a computer expert on this.
Hi Jack,

I have had the same issues with some older CD ROMS myself, I find the main problem is with compatibility of the Quick Time versions - TE was programmed to run with an earlier version of QuickTime and the newer version that comes with XP or that you manually download has been updated to read newer codes and can't accurately read the videos thus explaining the bad quality.


I run Windows XP in a compatibility mode where it runs XP but can also run Windows 95, 98 or 2000 underneath it so older programs will run properly.

If that doesn’t work or you have no idea of what I just said, you can download a Windows emulator and run TE from that.

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,

Hi Jack,

Sorry about the delay, life got complicated I had to go to court to sue my idiot landlord and lots of other unnecessary totally avoidable stroke inducing nonsense.

In any event, I have tried and tried to get Adventure Out of Time to run on compatibility mode but it never runs properly.

Best Regards,

Old thread, but nevertheless.

Michael Standart said:
“I have XP too, and my understanding is that even if I could get it, I couldn't run the Titanic Adventure Out of Time game on my rig even if I wanted to. (I could be wrong!)”

Brian Peterson said:
“I have tried and tried to get Adventure Out of Time to run on compatibility mode but it never runs properly.”

Hello, Michael and Brian:
It is hit or miss with Windows XP and non-XP software. Interestingly enough, Microsoft itself listed Adventure Out of Time as compatible with XP on its website (I don't think it's listed in their Windows Catalog anymore, though). I'm still sputtering, uh, I mean rolling, along with Win98 SE, but I did temporarily put the game on an XP Home machine. It installed and ran fine without compatibility mode as far as I played it (not long after I got on the ship).

With some tinkering, most games will run on XP, but some systems refuse to cooperate. I have XP Pro waiting to be installed, so if I snap out of my procrastination I will try the game again. My point is you ought to be able to run AOoT. I'll try to report back on how my machine does (possibly much) later. Good luck!

Michael, if you still think you would be interested and don’t have it, the game can be purchased from Barracuda/Hammerhead. They definitely say it’s XP compatible. The copy I ran on XP was from 1996, so these discs can’t be older than that.
I'd be interested to know if the game works on XP Pro as that's what I'm using these days. I'm afraid I have no time for games any more, but it would be nice to know whether or not it works. Even if I had the time and wanted the game now, it would have to wait. With Christmas coming up, what little I have is definately spoken for.
I installed Dust and Titanic AOOT on my laptop running XP pro last week and they both work fine. Same problems with Explorer though. I will try the compatability mode. I was thinking of repariting my HD and installing Win98 to run in tandem with XP but decided it wasn't worth the effort!

Stuart, Michael S.,

I finally have XP Pro in a dual-boot with 98SE but it still needs work that I won't complete until after Christmas. Once the configuration is more fine-tuned I'll try all three of the CD-ROM titles Stuart named (two Titanic-related). Have a Merry Christmas!
Well, after a long winter's nap
I have some results. I know a few folks have already said they got these to run on Windows XP, but for more confirmation:

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time: RUNS, in "256 colors" and "640 x 480" modes. At first I had audio and a blank screen, but now it's fine.

Dust: A Tale of the Wired West (also by Cyberflix, with an AOOT character): RUNS in same modes as AOOT. Finally got the funkified image of the Windows taskbar off of the bottom of the screen (with the "quit blackjack" option uncovered, I'm no longer forced to play for infinity!).

James Cameron's Titanic Explorer: RUNS, in "640x 480", but problems with the movie clips (poor video quality & occasional freezing of the clip while audio continues). The rest of it is OK. I have QuickTime 6.5.2, which shouldn't be trouble. Maybe it's a video driver issue (?). It sure would be better to have them play clearly.

I'm glad to keep these titles around longer, although I get to 'em infrequently. The games are still fun even at my advanced age, and "Explorer" is both entertaining and a great reference tool.