Film about a disease outbreak st sea.

Alex Clark

I’m trying to find a tv film from the 1970s or ‘80s. It’s set on a passenger ship which suffered a disease outbreak. Scenes include mattresses being thrown overboard, one of which has a passenger’s money stashed in it. The same passenger later hallucinates and jumps over board to swim to an imaginary boat. Does anyone know this film?
Could it be “Killer on Board” (1977)? “The passengers on a cruise ship are seized by panic when a deadly virus begins killing off passengers and crew.” That seems to fit your description. I used IMDb’s keyword search — TV movies from the 70s involving a ship. I’ve never seen it, and I’m not sure if you can buy it, but it’s on YouTube.
Yes! That’s it. I searched all over the place. Including on IMDb. Couldn’t find it. Thanks for that, I’ve just finished watching it. It was drugs in the mattress rather than money. I think I was told that when watching it as a kid to keep knowledge of drugs away from me.