Why do people think The Poseidon Adventure is the best disaster film

Ooooohhhhh.... I almost forgot THE BEASTS ARE IN THE STREETS. The 1970s were the golden era...actually the only era...of INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS SAFARI PARKS, in which idiots could drive their own cars up to actual Bengal Tigers and get mauled while attempting to photograph them close up. On the east coast we had JUNGLE HABITAT, whose 1973 opening season set the tone for all that was to come, when a tourist from Israel dropped his car window to photograph something from inches away, and got his face mauled.

This film takes it one step further...and asks WHAT IF A TRACTOR TRAILER DROVE THRU THE FENCE AND FREED ALL THE LETHAL ANIMALS INTO A RESIDENTIAL SUBURB? a question we've all...some of us...actually very few of us...have wondered about from time to time. Carol Lynley, Billy Green Bush (father of the GRENNBUSH TWINS who played the suspected-to-be-brain-damaged BABY CARRIE on Little House) Phillip Michael Thomas, and a cast of unknowns struggle to round up the animals and save suburbia. The highlight, if you can call it that, (I do), is a woman being set upon by a not very angry ostrich while hanging laundry. Yes, I know ostriches are mean and DO attack, but this one just sort of stands there amidst the fluttering laundry, as the actress attempts to make you believe that she is about to be attacked.
"I think that Jim was referring to the demonic Little Orphan Annie knock-off known as Tammy Marihugh in The Last Voyage. He was quoting of her (every one of her) lines. Probably the most annoying child ever captured on film."

Even worse than "Robin Shelby"? Oh, how I wish he disappeared like in Gallico's novel.
Too shy to defecate in front of his mother, he finds a private corner and then gets caught up in a stampede and presumably falls down The Big Hole That Ate Marie The Hairdresser.

That has great cinematic potential... little Robin has one last, annoying, faux military school "Yes SIR!" and moments later gets stampeded into The Big Hole.

Oh, yes, as you'll doubtlessly remember, Nonnie and her man have sex in a pile of junk food in a tea cakes storage room, even as Robin is prowling for a place to lighten his load. And, Susan gets raped by a crew member, "'erbert, from 'ull," which is scary until she sees he's a teenager and kinda cute. He then falls down a different big hole than the one which killed Robin and presumably dies, too. Susan falls in love with him, and the book ends with her hoping that she is pregnant so that she can go to Hull, track down his parents, and give them a living reminder of their son, in the form of his rape baby.

Both scenes were probably best omitted from the film.

The movie's 1970s ethos "And a Child Will Lead" "Follow The Rebel" is polar opposite to the twist ending of the book. As you no doubt recall, Scott was proved to be 100% wrong, as those who followed him glimpse the people from the dining room coming out of the hole in the bow still in their evening clothes.
BALEFUL BRATZ: Disaster Movie Kids.....

Jill and Robin set the gold standard by which other disaster movie kids are judged. Many were called, but few met the challenge....

AIRPORT 1975. Linda Blair plays JANIS, a little girl kidney transplant patient who is being flown to her donor organ. Yeah, I know, usually it works the other way around, but in a film where a man is lowered yo-yo style from one plane to another thru a gaping hole in the fusilage and horny hetero pilots talk about how great 137 year old Gloria Swanson looks, why question? Janis beams incessantly and says things like "This is so EXCITING! People are so INTERESTING!"

That's cause she hasnt talked to the other kid on the flight. Airline official George Kennedy has a wife and son aboard. His wife seems like a frazzled tranquilizer chugger, and his son is one of those creepy 12 year olds who look exactly as they will when they are 40. He talks incessantly about dull tourist traps, and when it is announced that the plane will land at Salt Lake city, he gets excited at the thought of seeing the Tabernacle. He lives. So, too, does Janis and SURPRISE! somehow they found a donor organ for her in Salt Lake City!

On the TAMMY SCALE, Janis is about a 4. On the ROBIN SCALE, Creepy twelve year old is a 9.

EARTHQUAKE features Corey, the son of Genevieve Bujold's character, who looks like the kid you always wanted to belt back in school. He doesnt do much except ride his bike. For the first 2 hours of the movie we periodically see him, friendless (no surprise) riding his bike. THEN, a footbridge which looks like it was built by kids who tired of building treehouses collapses, pitching Corey into a dry flash-flood channel. Heis unconscious, electric wires dance around him, and he is saved at the last possible second as the flood bears down on him.

He is low on the ROBIN SCALE. His plotline is so pointless and dull that one wonders why it waasnt edited out.

TOWERING INFERNO. Featured two kids, one of whom was Bobby from the Brady Bunch. He wears a way-cool 1974 headset radio that, apparently, renders him deaf to things like fire alarms, explosions, agonized screams from the next room, and the telephone. He has a sister with no discernable personality traits. Jennifer Jones has to rescue the two kids, spends half the film's running time (9 hours) walking them upstairs to the Grand Ballroom, and is repaid for her heroism with a death plunge from the Great Glass Elevator. Bobby Brady survives, dammit.

On the ROBIN SCALE, Bobby Brady is a ten out of ten. He was the Brady kid you always wanted to see die in a VERY SPECIAL EPISODE, and it prejudices you against the character in this film. The running gag about the heasdsets rendering him oblivious to A-bomb like explosions doesnt help.

His sister is all but invisible. She is a zero on the TAMMY SCALE.

THE SWARM. Lil Timmy's family gets swarmed to death at a picnic. He survives and attempts vengeance against the bees...he and his friends go to THE FATAL HOLLOW TREE and attempt to kill the bees. They bring garbage cans to hide under, and so survive their botched effort to kill the bees. The bees kill their entire hometown and, eventually, the entire cast of the first half of the film (including them) and a bit later the state of Texas.

Lis TIMMY is a 9 out of 10 on the ROBIN SCALE. His stupidity kills an entire state. He'd be a 10 out of 10, but I subtracted a point because his actions led directly to the death of Olivia deHavilland's character.

deHavilland plays a gracious old lady school teacher with two beaux. She glows with contentment and graciousness, and hambones mercilessly in a VERY 1940s acting style. One of her beaux is seen running along a street in slo-mo, surrounded by swirling coffee grounds. THEN, her student body is stung to death on the playground, by angry coffee grounds, as she watches thru a window and acts and acts and acts. Fred McMurray wins the love battle, but then one scene later the entire cast is killed when the bees run a refugee train off a cliff. deHavilland and McMurray both presumably die, but if it is any consolation the nuclear blast would have killed them anyway, had the train not been wrecked.

TITANIC. Norman. Love child love child never quite as good. He's an annoying little gentleman sort...one suspects that he will grow up to be an adult who demands to be spanked for his sins... and you know that he is moron enough to remaion behind with the father who rejected him. His sister is irritating, too...and his sister's song singing, Rag dancing, all American beau is worse than the other two put together. Norman is an 8 on the ROBIN SCALER OF ANNOYANCE, his sister reminds me of Jill at 16 and so gets a 7 on the JILL SCALE, and her suitor gets a 15 out of 10 on the ROBIN chart, with five extra points being given for NAVAJO RAG.

ROLLERCOASTER. Oh my. Timothy Bottoms plays a psycho who blows up rollercoaster. George Segal plays the investigator who plays Zodiac Killer cat and mouse games with the psycho. NOW, the plot gets good. The greatest rollecoaster ever is about to open, we'll call it the Bowel Loosener, and its a sure bet that Psycho Mn will blow it up. Given that, you'd think that when Segal, who knows more about the case than anyone, tells his daughter (Helen Hunt) and her stepmother (Susan Strasberg) "Dont go near Squalid Acres Amusement Park TODAY," they'd listen. Two seconds after he leaves the house:

HUNT: Can we go to Squalid Acres?

All but guaranteeing that they will be lined up to be victims of the nefarious bomber. Segal runs into them in the park, and tells them "DONT GO ON THE BOWEL LOOSENER" and three seconds after he leaves:

HUNT: Can we go on the Bowel Loosener?

Yes, they live. Not only that, but they are on the ride when it runs over Timothy Bottoms and cuts his head off.

For playing the stupidest teenager in the history of disaster films, Hunt gets a 10 on the TAMMY SCALE.
Oh, but Jim, in THE TOWERING INFERNO, Jennifer Jones' character's death allowed the little girl to deliver the sappy line of "I won't be afraid if you won't be afraid!!", to Susan Blakely's character.

The other comical piece: dealing with little Veronica Cartwright's character, Cathy Brenner, in THE BIRDS.

Even Veronica admitted, later on, that little Cathy is so annoying.
She commented how, after the bird attack at the Schoolhouse, there is the body of the school teacher, played by Suzanne Phleshette, sprawled on the ground. She says one hopes that this is the end, except NO!! there is Cathy, looking out the window, and sniveling away, as Tippi Hedren and Rod Taylor approach.
Jim, this is, also, why it was so comical to see Jill Whelan play the little sick girl, in AIRPLANE.

Recap: Lorna Patterson (pre-'Private Benjamin' days), as the flight attendant, offers to play a guitar for her, and while doing so, knocks out Jill Whelan's IV tube, leaving poor Jill gasping.

Jim, couldn't you imagine a similar thing for many of the other obnoxious kids characters.

Yes, it is somewhat sad that movie producers have this "Under no circumstances can we see a child die!" policy.
If you like Jill Whelan in AIRPLANE, John, you mut quickly watch ZERO HOUR, and THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY. 90% of Airplane's script was lifted verbatem from Zero Hour, as was its plot.

LITTLE JOEY, does enter the cockpit, where a pro athlete is playing a pilot (in this case "Crazy Legs" Hirsch, and not Kareem Abdul Jabar, and, yes, the pilot seems rather too friendly. HOWEVER, the non-comedy Joey gets a scene that SHOULD have been in Airplane and wasnt: Joey is stuck in his seat, poisoned by the fish, and the middle aged man in the seat next to him makes eye contact. THEN, produces his right hand, which has a face and a hand wig on it, and does an excruciating Senor Wences act.

The High and the Mighty, a John Wayne film, has a similar plot to both Airplane and Zero Hour. The most memorable moment in it comes when the stwewardess bends down in front of John Wayne's little boy and....uhhhh.... inflates his life preserver. That's where the deflated auropilot gag in Airplane came from.

You might also try JULIE, if you dare. Doris Day plays a stewardess in mourning. Louis Jourdan plays the charming man who is wooing her even as he helps her thru the final stages of grief. HOWEVER, he is also the psycho who murdered her husband! After she learns this, he stows awawy on one of her flights, and after the entire cockpit crew is either killed or incapacitated, it is up to the stewardess to land the plane.

Yup... Airport 1975 was a partial ripoff of a 1958 Doris Day film.

Julie is, in its own way, as crazed as Zero Hour and would have made a great template for the plot of AIRPLANE II, which few would disagree was rather lame.
>Lorna Patterson (pre-'Private Benjamin' days), as the flight attendant, offers to play a guitar for her, and while doing so, knocks out Jill Whelan's IV tube, leaving poor Jill gasping.

I prefer the source material!


Note that when the scene carries on, the two friends that Gloria Swanson mentions, Carole Lombard and Grace Moore, both died in plane crashes. Miss Swanson wrote her own dialogue, and the question arises ~ was she making an insider kind of reference, or was it just an odd coincidence?
WORSE THAN TAMMY MARIHUGH: The most annoying ingenue ever to appear in a film, ever, the absolute worst bar none, the unsurpassed and unsurpassable nadir is, of course, Donna Wilkes as JACKIE in JAWS 2. The latter half of the film is set to an incessant soundtrack of Jackie's shrieks, interrupted by the occasional moan, sob, or gibber. If THE LAST VOYAGE can be summed up by MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY NO NO NO NO, then Jaws 2 can be summed up be "EEEEEEEEEE" *pant* *pant* EEEEEEEE....etc.

Here's a brief sample, by an obsessed fan:


It's like Jill times 5.
JIMMY JIMMY JIMMY NO NO NO NO NO JIMMY JIMMY NO NO NO! La Marihugh can NEVER be bested. Or worsted. By the way, did you notice this fleeting glimpse of a rather familiar diminutive figure in the Garland wedding clip you linked earlier? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Hired by the family perhaps to deliver her most famous lines, in the spirit of the occasion? Pity it isn't in colour, then we'd know for sure.

Jeremy, Why isn't "Knowing" a Disaster film? It is! A solar flare destroys Earth. How's that not a disaster?

Just because it's a sci fi film with disasters in it doesn't make it not a disaster film!

"Independence Day" is a sci fi/adventure/war/disaster film!

"Titanic" is a romance/drama/historical/disaster film!