Why do people think The Poseidon Adventure is the best disaster film

Completely agree with you there, Jeremy!

I've been looking at several online lists of disaster films and there's some glorious inconsistencies in approach to labelling films in that genre. One thing that is consistent is that the various lists include few films I really like. Maybe that's why I don't have a 'favourite' even though I've enjoyed watching a number of those films over the years.
The Poseidon Adventure is the Gold Standard by which all others are judged. There are a few more I can repeatedly watch....

1) Airport 1975: A little girl kidney patient. A mid air collision. A singing nun. Mr. Roper as a comic drunk. Myrna Loy as a comic drunk. Gloria Swanson as herself, dictating her memoirs. A stewardess having to land the plane all by herself..... it is this// close to being the equal of Poseidon. George Kennedy's wife and son are on the plane, and he acts and acts and acts. Charlton Heston walks happily into a freeze frame with Karen Black.

2) Earthquake. Shake the camera and have people stagger and pretend to fall. Lorne Greene as Ava Gardner's FATHER. Marjoe Gortner as a mild mannered supermarket manager who...uhhhh...dons a crewcut wig, becomes a national guard uber-fascist. He then disastrously tries to conquer the heart of afroed Victoria Principal, who he arrests for stealing donuts and then attempts to win over with his studly ways. Splatter red on the screen after an elevator crashes. Escape via women's underwear. Shake the camera some more. George Kennedy shoots Marjoe Gortner. Charlton Heston is swept to his doom down a sewer.

3) The Naked Jungle. Charlton Heston lives WAY up the Amazon. He has built an empire. He brings in mail order bride Eleanor Parker, and then attempts to return her to Sharper Image when he discovers that she has been married before. But, he did not save the original packaging and lost his receipt, so he's stuck. Parker is quite beautiful and has an epic cantilevered chest but...uhhhh...ya seee...she's NOT a virgin and Heston is.

LEHTIGEN; I'm not LIKE the other men. I never went to the village women's tents like the other men did. There's a word for that kind of man....

PARKER; "Heterosexual" Mr. Lehtigen? Is that the word?

She doesnt really say that, but he actually does have those lines.

Anyway, it midpoint, the film veers from weird psychosexual drama to disaster film, as Army Ants march across the Amazon, eating everything in their path.

Heston dynamites a dam.

Heston loses his virginity to his wife, in a tent.

4)The Swarm. Bees kill a family picnic. Sole survivor of the family attempts to wreak sweet sweet vengeance and instead sets the SWARM loose on his hometown. Olivia deHavilland outhams Shelley Winters. At the midpoint of the film THE ENTIRE CAST IS KILLED IN A TRAIN WRECK and a new cast brought in. Bees explode a nuclear reactor and kill Texas. Yes. You heard me. They kill Texas. Henry Fonda plays bee mating signals thru stereo speakers, and leads the SWARM out to sea, where they die.

5) Smash Up on Interstate Five. It begins with a gazillion cars crashing in slo-mo. We see familiar has-beens in peril. THEN it flashes back, and we see the lives of EVERY FRICKKIN' VICTIM during the 36 hours leading up to the crash. Then, we see the entire crash sequence again, only now we know who they are.. "OOOOH! They're HONEYMOONERS They CANT die!" "OOOOH! She's a murdering bank robber! She deserved to have that truck land on top of her!" "OOOOOH! He has children waiting at home!"


And the Ile de France gets blown up.

7) CRASH. The true story of Eastern 401, which crashed in the Everglades after the crew got distracted and forgot to fly the plane. A better than average made forTV film, adapted from a better than average book. I occasionally contribute to a far better than average website about this disaster. Check it out. http://sites.google.com/site/eastern401/ This event begat a second film, Ghost of Flight 401, which claimed to be a true story about the dead flight engineer returning to haunt other planes. Ernest Borgnine plays the ghost.

8) Five Came Back. This 1939 film details a luxury plane that crashes in the jungle on its maiden voyage. There is the usual cross section of humanity, and the plane can be patched up and flown out but...see... only 5 can go with it. The rest must stay behind to be horribly tortured and then eaten by the headhunters who can be heard drumming in the distance. Who will stay? If you guess MR AND MRS STRAUS and THE MAFIOSA WHO REFORMS all volunteer to stay, well....if you guess that, you've seen your share of 1930s films. The twist? The Mafiosa has a gun with two bullets. When last seen, he is about to execute the unknowing MR AND MRS STRAUS with the two bullets, leaving only himself for the headhunters to torture for months and months.

Lucille Ball, 52 in 1939, plays a hardbitten call girl sort.
"Lorne Greene as Ava Gardner's FATHER"

Well, at least he was by a few years the older of the two. Whereas in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Dick Van Dyke's Papa was played by Lionel Jeffries, who achieved the rare feat of being younger than his offspring. Does that count as a disaster?

You're being rather mean to your Mom about The Last Voyage, Jim. If she thinks it's a classic could you not just sadly shake your head? No need to make such a fuss about it.
I think that Jim was referring to the demonic Little Orphan Annie knock-off known as Tammy Marihugh in The Last Voyage. He was quoting of her (every one of her) lines. Probably the most annoying child ever captured on film.

I *believe* that she grew up to be quite a dish and posed for Playboy. But now she's probably fat, dresses like Jill Henderson and terrorizes her crippled sister. "She's written a letter to Mommy".
I know, Jeremy. And Jim knows that I know! Is there an icon I can use that means "Caution - Humour ahead" :) Jim and I are founder members (possibly the only members) of the Marihugh Fan Club. If you want to join we give discounts for ET members.
Actually, you were both correct... in a Zen-like exercize, i was quoting Tammy Marihugh while, at the same time, emitting a Janov inspired primal scream at my OWN mother who....honestly....broke her NO JUNK TELEVISION rule to allow me to watch this film when I was 7. She vaguely recalled good special effects. All I retained, until I was about 18 and saw the film on video, was Jill scampering under her bed to get her dime. My only lasting memory of that film was of Tammi Marihugh. MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY NO!NO!NO!NO!

YES, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang counts as a disaster. So, too, does this London shot horror film from 1969. The bride is a wizened zombie. She is as gay as a debutante on her wedding day, which is fortunate because the groom and his best man are gayer than debutantes as well. THEN, disaster strikes......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLpES_VoSY4 MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! NO! NO!

To my list of beloved disaster films, I must add



You no doubt recall, ORCA begins with fishin' Capp'n RICHARD HARRIS (the hambone male equivalent of Shelley Winters) catching a female orca, who miscarries an orca fetus as she is hung up by her tail. CUT TO A REACTION SHOT...YES! Mr. Orca gets a dramatic closeup! He saw the entire thing, and vows sweet sweet vengeance.

HOW, you ask, CAN A WHALE WREAK VENGEANCE? Well, by blowing up an oil refinery, sinking every fishing boat in a harbor, collapsing a seaside house so that he can bite off crutch bound Bo Derek's bad leg (YES! he swims away with it sticking out of his mouth, cast and all, like a prize winner's cigar!) and, otherwise, just makes a nuisance of himself.

Harris chews scenery with elan that eclipses Robert Shaw in Jaws, Shelley Winters in Poseidon, and the Tasmanian Devil in the Warners cartoon of your choice. BUT...he has reason to. Ya see, he and the ORCA are kindred spirits, because his own WIFE AND CHILD were killed by a drunk driver while he watched! He and only he knows the ORCA's pain. He actually has a monologue, directed at THE ORCA, in which he explains all of that. BUT, the Orca isnt one of those touchy feely Alan Alda forgive and forget "The criminal is also a victim" 1970s sorts, and maintains his grudge.

Orca challenges Harris to a duel, by sinking every fishing boat but his. Harris accepts the duel, puts out to sea, and loses. The Orca dashes him to death against an iceberg.

The entire movie is one long "HUH?" moment.
And, Mr. Godfrey, you'll no doubt be happy to hear that earlier this week the US television show ROTTEN TOMATOS did a WORST EVER list episode. Among the categories explored were THE FIVE WORST ATTEMPTS AT A FOREIGN ACCENT. They omitted Spencer Tracy and "Leetle Feesh," and Natalie Wood and "Plees ANEETA. Get me my SPAY-SHAl MAY-deecine," but hurled a tomato at Dick Van dyke in Mary Poppins. I think they may have called him incomprehensible.

Your virulent anti- Van Dyke prejudice is obviously spreading.

Honorable mention goes to the actress who played SWEDISH EXCHANGE STUDENT on JAMES AT 15. As youi MIGHT recall, the show was highly controversial in the 70s for having its 15 year old central characer lose his virginity. I remain haunted, to this day, by SWEDISH EXCHANGE STUDENT'S existential question: "Chames...Vat if I am pwegnant?"
Yes indeed, many a London ear'ole suffered under the onslaught of "It's rining, Meeary" etc. Of course we couldn't let Hollywood get away with that, so we counter-attacked with Sean Connery (in every film where he isn't playing a Scotsman). And, in contravention of the Geneva convention, we gave you our very own London lad Michael Caine as the world's most unlikely good ol' boy in Hurry Sundown.
Jane Fonda kneeling in front of Michael Caine and playing his saxophone was truly one of the great moments in 1960s cinema. Thing is, Michael Caine was FAR from the worst thing in that film.
Jeremy- check it out on YouTube if it hasnt been taken down. Its a rancid, southern-fried potboiler of the first order.

Here. Jane Fonda kneeling before Michael Caine and plays his saxophone:


Soulless rich southerners want to grab the land of the blacks and the po' white trash. That's the plot, spread out over what seems like 23 hours in the theater. It is directed by the King of Bombast, Otto Preminger, and has a guaranteed-to-overact-if-allowed cast, ranging from Burgess "Mickey in Rocky" Meredith as a racist judge, to Michael Caine as a soulless land grabber, and Faye "The Wicked Lady" Dunaway.

The high, or low point, is of course Jane playing Michael's saxpophone while down in front of him. BUT, we cannot sell short thev plot twist in which it turns out that the coveted black-owned land is owned by none other than Jane's Ol' Black Mammy "Mammy Rose." Jane is enlisted to soften her up. The actress playing Mammy Rose is too young to play Jane's MOTHER in real life, so they slap a big pouf of what looks like cotton batting or santa hair atop her head and hope she looks old. At first the reunion is teary eyed "Lawdy, lawdy chil' You've come back!" "Oh Mammy Rose, I swear you just about INVENTED love!" Then things tuurn grim - Jane drops the bomb, and Mammy Rose has a dramatic heart attack that lasts for over two hours onscreen....

.... the film is not without its moments. Set in "The New South," it has a rather nice scene in which Jane talks haughty to a young black female school teacher and gets her face slapped, and Mammy Rose, before her death, admits to her children that she is furious at herself for keeping her anger inside her entire life, and 'playing along.' The script doesnt say it, but she seems to be implying hat militancy is a better choice than being docile.

Aside from those two moments of intelligence, the film continuously lowers the bar of audience expectation and then crawls under it. Can you believe that a 1967 film contains a scene in which a lynch mob sees its intended victims having a stereotyical black folk's picnic, and feel guilty and goes home?

And, yes, it is a disaster film TOO! The bad guys dynamite a dam, which destroys the po' white trash farm and spares that of the blacks.
At least Jane Fonda, IMO, proved she could act, well, in both ON GOLDEN POND and THE MORNING AFTER. And she admitted she had fun doing MONSTER IN LAW.

Jim, you forgot to mention WHEN TIME RAN OUT, later retitled EARTH'S FINAL FURY.
That was the "Volcano Erupts on a South Seas Island" film, and everyone is apparently caught by surprise.

I only saw the last part of that film, when it was on TV. It did not make me wish to rent the film, to watch in its entirety.

I remember seeing the volcanoe's eruption using the mortar-exploding sound effects, used in many a "MASH" episode, or other war-oriented flick.
That was used to explain our cast of stranded characters (they had to abandon their vehicles and hike around the Island) being forced to walk on a wooden footbridge, crossing over a river of lava.
The bridge holds up while four elderly, slightly overweight persons (including Shelley Winters, who does survive) trudge over it, then loosens while the three beautiful ladies are in-transit on it (gives us a chance to see the blonde in the jumper outfit plunge in to the lava river); that also included us having the opportunity to worry about Pat Morita ("Arnold/Mr. Miyagi") hanging on to the now-rickety bridge (and in true Irwin Allen fashion, he doesn't make it).

I especially found it laughable at the scene of the "carefully shot" bolt of lava destroying the luxury hotel and killing everyone there, including Veronica Hamel, in her "pre-'Hill Street Blues' days").
Poor Veronica should stay off the roles of disaster flicks; hope she received great amounts of royalties for her "time to be killed" expressions.

Needless to say, when Paul Newman led the survivors down to the beach areas, to be rescued or call for help, I found myself not caring.
Hey, John; I didnt forget that one
, I was saving it for the thread about PAINFULLY BAD MOVIES BASED ON ACTUAL EVENTS.

When Time Ran Out was loosely based on a book about the destruction of St. Pierre. But, Irwin Allen brilliantly decided that the source material would only het better if it was set in a faux-Club Med in 1980, instead of...you know....one of those dull colonial cities where everyone speaks French and wears old fashioned clothes. What was retained from the book was the volcano spitting a gas ball and destroying the entire city. Everything else was improvised.....

IRWIN ALLEN TRADEMARK: Death by Tiki. In THE TOWERING INFERNO, the actor who played JULIO on SANFORD AND SON gets crushed under a toppling tiki during the climactic tidal wave atop the burning office building. In WHEN TIME RAN OUT, several bit players and... I think...a minor villain, get killed by a toppling tiki in the hotel lobby. alas, there is no WOMAN WITH A PAST WEARING A PINK MAN'S SHIRT AND PANTIES WHO FALLS TO A SPLATTERING DEATH FROM A GREAT HEIGHT in this film, as in POSEIDON in which Linda the ex hooker falls into a fiery vat while wearing that ensemble, and TOWERING INFERNO, in which Robert Wagner's adulterous lover wears the same thing as she is driven by the fire out of a 500th story wiondow just SECONDS before the firemen arrive to save her. Thus are the wages of sin in Irwin's world.

Then there was FLOOD, loosely based on The Johnstown Flood. There's a dam about to burst, but the mayor wont open the spillways. The townspeople, oddly, wont listen to the one person who tries to warn them. The dam bursts. There are virtually NO special effects, but there IS some reddish deteriorated news footage of real floods edited in. Then, the town has about 5 feet of entirely still water blanketing it...and Carol Lynley, pregnant, does a salute to Dorothy Malone in THE LAST VOYAGE and struggles to keep her head above water as she bobs around inside her flooded cottage. Will the rescuers get to her in time?

The movie is so dull that you dont really CARE if the rescuers get to her in time. She is reunited with RODDY MCDOWELL, and gets to share billing with Robert Culp, Martin Milner, Ruichard Basehart, Barbara Hersey and Leif Garrett.

Then there is Irwin allen's seldom seen swan song THE NIGHT THE BRIDGE FELL DOWN, based on the SUNSHINE SKYWAY BRIDGE COLLAPSE, which happened when a ship struck the Skyway and it fell, taking with it several carloads of people, and a Greyhound bus, leaving only one survivor. In this film, the bus doesnt fall off the bridge, but everyone aboard it is trapped on an about-to-cave-in section. Desi Arnaz Jr., Eve Plumb, Lesley Nielsen, Richard Boone, Barbara Rush and lessers stars struggle Struggle STRUGGLE to escape.

There is a good reason why it is seldom seen.....

Then there is AVALANCHE, which manages to exploit REAL LIFE DISASTER and TRUE CRIME in the same film. It is the VAL D ISERE AVALANCHE and the CLAUDINE LONGET/SPIDER SABITCH AFFAIR seamlessly blended into a truly dull film. Rock Hudson, Mia Farrow, and lessers, attempt to generate suspense where there simply is none. when the film is called AVALANCHE, you know that at some point there will be an avalanche. So, cat and mouse plot twists dont work to build suspense, and the film makers did not come up with any viable substitutes.

My feelings about TITANIC, either film by that title, are well known and do not need to be delved into again, or so says the therapist....

A world apart from these wretched film, is FIRE AND RAIN, about the infamous DALLAS L-1011 WIND SHEAR crash, in which a jumbo jet flew into windshear while landing, lost control, and flew into an oil tank, with huge fatalities and a handful of survivors. Now, you would not expect me to pair the words REALLY GOOD with the words, DAVID HASSELHOFF TOM BOSLEY ROBERT GUILLAUME DEAN JONES and ANGIE DICKENSON, but the film is an almost strictly factual recounting of the dicaster. It has only one IRWIN ALLEN MOMENT, but it is a good one. PATTI LABELLE plays A NERVOUS FIRST TIME FLIER. Her early scenes show her being nervous, because she's a first time flier. THEN, after the plane crashes, she's shown being hustled away from the debris, disheveled and smoke-stained, and saying "I'm never going to fly again" over and over.