Funnel Size

Hello I am Joshua Andersen and new to the forum. I am 17 and have been interested in the Titanic since the age of 6. I am the history guy at my school but still have many things to learn. My first is the actual height, width and length of the Titanic's funnels.
I'm sorry to have been so demanding. This is a question I have always wanted to know. The dimensions I have heard always sound to small to be the massive pillars you always see. Any answer on the funnels is greatly appreciated.
Hey Josh Welcome to the Boards!!

I am also 17 and have been interested in Titanic since a real young age. About the funnel's each was 63 feet high, 19 feet wide, and 24.5 feet long. Do you do a lot of research on Titanic?

I have done some extensive research with the limited resources that I have. I live in small town Nebraska which isn't really a ocean state- far from it. I do have a good understanding for structural blueprints of all the different ships. 2 years of architectural classes at school made shure of that. The thing I was probably doing wrong was looking at the plans in the metric system. That would explain my mistake. Now they do seem massive. They certainly would tower over about everything around here except the grain bin its slightly taller. So where do you two call home. Drop me a message. Josh
I am from Ohio, there is a GREAT group of people around Cleveland that are interested in Titanic. I live about and hour from Cleveland in a small town, so cannot find too much Titanic related things, but have found a lot of friends from this board all around the USA. I research the ship, her passengers, and every other aspect lol. My favorite passenger is Ruth Becker Blanchard, she is who I have done the most research on. Are you into researching the passengers? Send me an email anytime, my email is [email protected]

Hey Joshua,

Just thought I'd say hey. I'll be turning 17 this June. I also live in a small town where there's not much Titanic activity. I'm in Southwest Virginia. Welcome to the message board!
There are more of then people think. To bad there are not many around my parts. My English teacher was intimate with Titanic. She even made a full scale replica of HONOR AND GLORY CROWNING TIME. It was magnificent.
Hi Joshua!

Maybe this will help you: (Regards, Paul)
Hi Joshua, I'm also interested in the Titanic,for a couple of years, and I, too wish I would have a nearby friend who would also be interested in the ship.

Do you, or anyone know what the function of Titanic's fourth tunnel was ? I was skimming through my Illustrated History book, when I've noticed there was no smoke coming out of her 4th tunnel-or was it there just for decoration or something ?
