Great women of the Gilded Age


You're absolutely right. I've sent an email to Terence Pepper to ask re: web usage of the Warwick image and others from the NPG. Thanks.

In the meantime here's another Lucile-gowned femme magnifique - Edwardian beauty Lilie Elsie, star of "The Merry Widow."



Portrait by Foulsham and Banfield, London, 1907.
(Author's Collection)

Miss color! You know me...have to ask: is that a hand-tinted photo, or an actual color pic? They were both in usage around this time; but the earliest I have seen (color photography) was 1907. Of course I can rely on you for the skinny on these things!

Hope all is well~
Kris Here's a link to a photograph of Evelyn Nesbit, whom Shelley mentioned above. In my opinion, she's one of the most beautiful women from any era. At that site, you can look at other pictures, too. Nesbit, of course, got involved in a scandal with famous New York architect Stanford White, who was murdered by Nesbit's jealous lover, Harry K. Thaw. Nesbit died in 1967. She is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, California. Given the story, and those of other women in the so-called "Guilded Age," it was obviously quite a challenge just to be a woman back then. The "Guilded Age" was a rich man's world. A bad place.