Hans and Edwanda Bandendyke


Hi, I left a comment here and not seeing it. In the 1960's a very sweet elderly couple told me how they were in line to board the Titanic when a voice said to them "This ship is going down!" Of course they exited the line. Have never for an instant doubted their story, but a good friend said to me, "I did check the passenger list for Titanic and could not find their names, so not sure if they already bought a ticket or not, maybe you will know." They were originally from Norway. Their gravestone below. If anyone would would be able to share insight I'd appreciate it, but truth is I never have and never will doubt their story, they were absolutely credible. (In 1912 she spelled her name Edwarda).
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Haven't received a reply. I was just hoping someone who is familiar with how things worked, could explain if a couple was in line to board but changed their minds and exited the line, that it's not unusual that there would be no record of them anywhere. Having read other stories here, this doesn't seem unusual. And like one commenter said, if someone never became passengers, they would not be on a passenger list. Not looking for proof of their story recited to me, I already know they told me the truth, but just would nice to have a possible explanation for anyone who may say that story can't be true if they aren't on any list.