Hans Kristensen Givard

Hello frineds!!!! they have noticed that I am of Argentina and nonsingle I look for information of my tí¬o James Vivian Drew if not also of the Argentina in the Titanic. Today it finds out to me that Mr. Givard of Diamarca but which was in my country somebody can add something mí s of info that in ET.

In Spanish
HOLA MAIGOS!!!, han notado que soy de Argentina y no solo busco information de mi tí¬o James Vivian Drew si no tambien de los argentinos en el Titanic. Hoy me entere que el Mr. Givard era de Diamarca pero que estuvo en mi paí¬s. Alguien puede agregar algo mí s de la informacií²n que se encuntra en ET MUCHAS MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found 3rd class passenger Hans Givard in an Argentinian immigrant database, he worked on the pampas prior to boarding Titanic and I'm trying to find out what he gave as his job title. The database says:

Profesion: LDW.ARB

I don't know if this could be German for "Landarbeiter" (he was a farmer and the ship came from Hamburg) of if it's a known Spanish abbreviation for something else?