Henry Harris

First of all, thanks Daniel for answering. I really appreciate all the help I can get.
Brian, George and Philip,
I am trying to get any info I can obtain on John Baumann. My great grandmother was Anna Baumann and she always hinted at a relationship to a passenger on the Titanic. Her family was in the trade business and her uncle also had a business in New York and made several voyages back and forth to Europe. You speak of a wife, daughter and sister. Can you provide me with names and any other info you may have on them. If I make the connection I will be happy to shed some light on the family of this reclusive passenger.
Jeanne, this is a very old thread and the three people you are addressing directly made their postings here nearly 5 years ago. George Behe is no longer a member. Phillip Gowan and Brian Meister haven't logged into the forum for several months, but you might be able to contact them directly through the ET message service (click on their names in the left hand column).