Info wanted on the Sage family who drowned on Titanic

Sorry bout the above posting it should have read

the estate of John George Sage was settled on the 25th May 1912 and was valued at £347. 9 shillings and was awarded to Mrs Mary Ann Perrin (relative?)

This is a question I'm trying to find the answer for. Somewhere I've read that Stella got into a lifeboat, but left it when she saw her family members couldn't enter it. What lifeboat was that? Second, are we sure she was the one in the lifeboat? Why couldn't her younger siblings-Ada, Constance, and Henry enter? They were little children. Next, how sure was Stella that her other family members didn't enter a different lifeboat? She was one brave young woman!
Dorothy Florece Sage, borne Wednesday the 13 of October, 1897 in England (maybe in Petersborough, daughter of John
and Annie Sage, 8 siblings (or 10) . Travelled with her
family and 8 siblings, occupied (not sure) cabin E-126.
Perished, body not recorvered. Her sister Stella was boarding lifeboat c(one of the last lifeboat), but then steped back because her other
relatives cut not board the boat with her.
There is a photo of Dorothy together with her father and her oldest sister Stella.

hope thats helps a bit
