Interior Design Questions

thanks for the info, i'm taking it that it is really hard to convert money from 1912 to 2005. Does anybody know what decor was c-63 I heard somewhere that it was empire. And another question out of all the b and c deck cabins which one do you think was the most opulent, other them the parlor suites. I want to know because Im thinking of making a model of a cabin but Im not sure which one to make. Thanks.
For all the people out there reading this section could you please submit your opinions of the most opulent cabin on c-deck other then the parlor suits. I want to know because im making a model of a cabin but I'm not sure which cabin to do. And if anybody knows what style c-63 was could you please tell me. THANKS.
Ok since no one answered my post, I chose a cabin myself, I chose cabin c-70 I'm not really sure what style this room is but I'm going to do it in the Queen Anne style. But I have one question, does anybody know how high c-deck was. I doubt anybody will answer my post. So I'm going to guess that ut was around 8 feet high.