Items being sold by THS mad

*I found the WTC comment a tad insensitive.*

That comment was very valid. Some people find what George has done a *tad* insensitive... And I have pointed out why. Why should we be more sensitive about the WTC and not the Titanic ? Both are modern day disasters. Both have people still alive from the tragedy. That is not insensitive but a very fair point.

People died in the Titanic and this man has taken things up like glasses, boots, wallets, tooth brushes ( personal items !!! ) and displayed them. I’m sorry I do not agree with you guys.


No one is asking for you to agree with
anyone here. We point our that it is fool-
hardy to level claims of grave-robbing at
someone when you have not the slightest
inkling of what this man has said time
and again in private and in public.
This community of Titanic researchers
run the gambit of beliefs. I won't revisit
some of your rows! Instead of confining
your belief structure around what one
survivor thought, read the ideas and
comments of a great many others which
are available in archived news stories.
You may be quite surprised at the range
of opinion there.
Miles that is absolute rubbish. Rather than "Fair" The comment was as irrelevant as a large number of your other ramblings.

One was an accident and the other was an act of terrorism. There would be a vast difference between displaying artifacts from the scene of an accidental shipwreck two generations ago and displaying personal effects of someone who died at the hands of terrorists less than 3 years ago. The comment had about as much point to it as your Thatcher reference.

I suggest you take "Brain's" advice.
I know I have made some perfectly good points. You’re free to have a different opinion than me. Ok you do not agree. The fact remains (for me anyway) he robbed a grave.... Hence I don't think he was such a great guy like you. So what is the problem? I’m not the only one who shares this point of view.

I don’t particularly want to research him? Why should I. I know he has brought a lot of artefacts up from the Titanic, which I don’t agree with…. Dose not mean I have to go reading about him. I know enough thanks. What is my research going to tell me ? He was a great guy ? Ok maybe he was. But the research is still going to say he brought artefacts up from the Titanic site — and I will repeat I do not share the same point of view as he did about bringing them up.

I don’t think he came across well on T.V — again that is just my impression of him.
>>I don’t particularly want to research him? Why should I.<<

So you know enough about the person to know what your talking about.

>>Hence I don't think he was such a great guy like you. So what is the problem? I’m not the only one who shares this point of view.<<

So what???

Just because a lot of people hold to a particular point of view doesn't make it right. All it means is that a lot of people hold to that particular point of view.

>>I know enough thanks.<<

Oh????? You're whole premise seems to be "I don't agree with what he did and he looked bad on T.V., therefor, he's evil." To say or imply something like that, then to state further that you don't want to be bothered to research the facts tells me you don't know enough and don't want to learn.

This is not a good thing.
No Jemma I think other people have said the same.

What are you on about? It make’s no difference if people die in an accident or act of terrorism. It is still a disaster where a lot of people died in a horrific way…. Why you think an accident is ok and act of terrorism is not I can not understand. And the Titanic is still recent enough to be classed as a modern day tragedy as there are still people alive from the disaster. Also I do not base everything on just ONE survivor. Rubbish. What you say Jemma and the fact you can’t see where I am coming from with the remark about TWC is your tough luck.
What is this rubbish about me thinking he is evil, basing stuff on ONE survivor etc.....

I don't have to research him. Again why should I ? For example I have never researched Michael Jackson yet I know enough about him to not be a fan of his music. Also I don’t like the way he brings up his kids and although like George I have never met him — I still am free to hold that opinion. I’m not going off to research him or anyone.

So just like I have an opinion on Michael Jackson (someone I have never researched or met ) AND the way he brings up his children or comes across on TV, I can make up my own mind about George and disagree with the way he brings up artefacts from the Titanic…… Thats fair enough.

Again I don't understand why it's ok to display artefacts from people that have frozen to death as a result of an accident or burnt to death as a result of terrorism ? They still died in a horrific way. Like I said 2 generations is in my opinion still a little to recent. Very much so when people are still alive.
>>What is this rubbish about me thinking he is evil, basing stuff on ONE survivor etc..... <<

I'm basing my observations on what you're saying. Like saying George Tulloch is a slime or an "Awful little man" and doing so interestingly enough when you didn't even know his name. Don't blame people for walking in on that when you roll out the welcome mat.

>>I don't have to research him. Again why should I ?<<

I've already answered that question. You would research him so you know what you're talking about. Is this so hard to grasp?

>>Why you think an accident is ok and act of terrorism is not I can not understand.<<

I'm not surprised since that's not what Jemma said.
There would be a vast difference between displaying artifacts from the scene of an accidental shipwreck two generations ago and displaying personal effects of someone who died at the hands of terrorists less than 3 years ago.
Nowhere in the above did Jemma say it was O.K. Miles, please be so kind as to address the points actually made rather then the ones that were not.

BTW, I don't give the south end of a northbound rat about Micheal Jackson either. He's not the subject of this discission anymore then Margerat Thatcher is.

>>Also I do not base everything on just ONE survivor.<<

Fair enough. Start naming them and give the verbatim quote as well as a proper citation of the source so interested members here can check for themselves.