Jack Phillips Had A HalfBrother

While perusing through the alt.titanic newsgroup, I came across a post from someone who went to the Titanic exhibit in Seattle. One of the highlights they mentioned was the following:

"2) Jack Phillips half brother - There was a section of wall that had local stories related to the Titanic sinking. By far the most
interresting was about a guy who's last name was "Wyle" or close to that. He was a wireless operator on the ship "Spokane" and was a half
brother of the Titanic's chief wireless operator Jack Phillips who, of course, died in the Titanic sinking. The story said that when he learned
of his brothers death, he was so distraught that he was locked in Tacoma jail to prevent him from harming himself."

WHAT THE ISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUNEL?! Jack Phillips had a half-brother? Now, I've done some research on him, and frankly this one is new to me! Did I miss something? Does anyone here know about this?

Or am I crazy? (Don't answer that one!)
Hey friend! It looks like we share a common interest, meaning now the Titanic's wireless boys

As for this, it's totally new to me, too. What I know is that Jack had too sisters, today I learned that they were twins and 13 years older than him. But, as far as I know, they have both parents same, Ann and George Phillips.

If Jack really had a half brother then it could explain the wireless message received by his parents after the Titanic's sinking. The message said "Titanic making slowly for Halifax, try not to worry, all safe". First newspapers said that Jack himself sent this to his parents. Then, as they realised it was impossible (Jack was dead by that time) they said it was sent by another son living in London. I've been wondering this because I thought Jack had no brother - or did he...???


Jacks parents were indeed the parents of his sisterts, I have not found any information that suggests that Ann or George had been married before and I have been researching Jack for four years. The message Jack's parents recieved was indeed a misunderstanding that originated from his uncle London
Hey Jemma

You're the second person to I hear to say that this strange message was sent by an uncle in London. Great, now I know who it was

Four years of research is quite a lot, wow. You think there is something not-so-often-known information that you could share with me? Excuse my curiosity but the wireless boys of the Titanic just happen to be so interesting...

Add me to the list!!!!!!

Jemma, PLEASE, PLEASE, if you have anything of little-known interest regarding Jack, or Harold, for the love of God, REVEAL! Unless you are doing a book about them, and need to keep your sources private...then maybe some trickles sent via e-mail?

(Believe me, I've been this insistent regarding James Moody...a certain researcher on these boards can attest to my enthusiasm for he who I have euphemistically dubbed "The Scarborough Kid".)

And for the record, Jack and Harold are known by me as "The Dynamic Duo".
"Quick, BrideBoy! To the Wirelesscave!"

Mental note: Show Kritina photo of the Sixth Officer in what Kerri believes is an attempt to emulate a wild west gunslinger. I admit, spurs and a gun belt slung over the hips wouldn't go astray in this particular pose.

More seriously, Jemma, I'd be interested in any observations on Phillips you'd care to share. I'm still trying to get someone to come back to Godalming with me to hit the pub - somehow I just haven't sold anyone on the concept yet to make them enthusiastic enough to make the effort ('But not only is there a Phillips-themed new pub, there's a memorial as well! And a museum!'). Phillistines to a man, obviously. It's perfect for a day trip from London.

~ Inger
Hey Jemma & Kritina & Inger

Why, WHY couldn't I be born in England? Visiting Gogalming from London is one thing, visiting it from Finland is totally something else!! But, some fine day, I'll make it there... Inger, you said there is a pub, a memorial and a museum - are you sure that's all?

Sounds great, this pic of James Moody... any chance I could get to see it?

Now we have all - Kritina, Inger and me - asked for those details, if you, Jemma, might have any... are we enthusiasts or what?

Minna, who never stops being this crazy.
>Mental note: Show Kritina photo of the Sixth Officer in what Kerri believes is an attempt to emulate a wild west gunslinger. I admit, spurs and a gun belt slung over the hips wouldn't go astray in this particular pose.

If I'm reading this right, and not just having my 150th hallucination of the day, there are two questions I need to ask about this picture.

1. Do I have to wait until I come to London to see this gem?

2. Does it cause a case of the giggles?

And I would rather not go to a pub named after Jack Phillips. What I would rather have done is be in a pub where HE was having a pint! And if James was there..."Heaven, I'm in heaven..."
Minna - if you do make it over to England, I'd be delighted to show you the photo (perhaps over a few pints in the Jack Phillips pub). There's more to see in Godalming, but I only spent a pleasant Autumn Sunday afternoon there about a year or so ago - the memorial is a much more substantial affair than I thought it would be. It's a very attractive town - quite picturesque.

Kritina - Yes, I'm afraid this does necessitate a visit to the UK as this is a photo that isn't going out as a scan and which I won't be including in any articles in the immediate future (although there's a couple of other unpublished Moody photos that will be appearing soonishly). I wouldn't exactly suggest it's amusing to the degree of being giggle-invoking, but there's a fascinating subtle interplay between the three figures in the shot.

~ Inger
Hey Kritina - I sure would have liked to join you on that trip to a pub with Jack and James there! Too bad that we should have been born some decades ago...

And hey Inger - a photo?!? Yes, yes, yes!!! At least I'm not going to make it to England right now, but who knows in the future...

Hey Inger & Kritina, again...

Again I forgot to ask you something while I posted my previous message - damn! So here goes: at this homepage http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Louvre/2209/ there is a biography of Jack Phillips that says he would have been a choirboy in a local church when he was young. Can you tell if this information is correct?
And I don't recommend you to visit that page - my computer has caught a virus twice after I visited the website!

Yes, Jack did sing in the choir of Farncombe Church, from the age of nine to about 13. There is a plaque in the church in memory of him which mentions that he was a chorister.
Hi there everone sorry I haven't posted anything for a while, I am indeed writing a book about Jack, I have just started the first draft but there is a lot of work left yet! The pub in Godlaming is very brightly coloured to say the least but aside from a big picture of Jack and one of the Titanic there is not much else to do with him in it. There is a lot more than just the museum and the memorial in Godalming. There is the building where Jack worked for the Post Office, the pub which used to be his school, and in nearby Farncombe you can see the church where he was christened, the spot where he was born (House is not there anymore)his old Primary school (old peoples day centre now) his family grave and even the spot where Jack learnt to swim. If anyone wants to see photos of any of these places I can email them to you. As for drinking in the same pub as Jack if you were to go the games room at the red lion in Godalming you would be in the room where he recieved his secondary education. As for other details about Jack I dont mind sharing snippets here and there but it all depends on what you want to know!
Hi there everone sorry I haven't posted anything for a while, I am indeed writing a book about Jack, I have just started the first draft but there is a lot of work left yet! The pub in Godlaming is very brightly coloured to say the least but aside from a big picture of Jack and one of the Titanic there is not much else to do with him in it. There is a lot more than just the museum and the memorial in Godalming. There is the building where Jack worked for the Post Office, the pub which used to be his school, and in nearby Farncombe you can see the church where he was christened, the spot where he was born (House is not there anymore)his old Primary school (old peoples day centre now) his family grave and even the spot where Jack learnt to swim. If anyone wants to see photos of any of these places I can email them to you. As for drinking in the same pub as Jack if you were to go the games room at the red lion in Godalming you would be in the room where he recieved his secondary education. As for other details about Jack I dont mind sharing snippets here and there but it all depends on what you want to know!