Jack Phillips Had A HalfBrother

Tad, it's very interesting.
That's not easy to know the truth.
But Lightoller said :

"Phillips, the senior wireless operator, standing near me, told me the different ships that had answered our call . . . . poor old Phillips did not live to benefit by it. He hung on till daylight came in and we sighted one of the lifeboats in the distance . . . . he suddenly slipped down, sitting in the water, and though we held his head up he never recovered. I insisted on taking him into the lifeboat with us." [Lightoller, pp. 252-3.]

Whiteley said the same thing. Why would they have lied ?
In any case, I think that Jack died at sea of hypothermia and exhaustion and you must be right if he didn't recover it's certainly because of problem on the life jacket. It was not very tough.
The Phillips Memorial Garden in Godalming is beautiful irrespective of the time of year. I visited it in February '96 and didn't even notice the state of the fauna. Just seeing the memorial in person was enough for me.

As far as pubs go, there's one in the High Street and I'm sure it's not the Jack P. pub. Godalming is indeed the archetypal small English village.
Hello again Nadine! How are you? Good I hope. :0)

You wrote:
"Phillips, the senior wireless operator, standing near me, told me the different ships that had answered our call . . . . poor old Phillips did not live to benefit by it. He hung on till daylight came in and we sighted one of the lifeboats in the distance . . . . he suddenly slipped down, sitting in the water, and though we held his head up he never recovered. I insisted on taking him into the lifeboat with us." [Lightoller, pp. 252-3.]

Whiteley said the same thing. Why would they have lied ?"

I certainly do not believe that Lightoller lied, but there is very good reason to believe that his memory was playing tricks on him (or that he was using dramatic license) by the time he wrote that passage in his 1934 book, 22 years after the disaster.

In his 1912 inquiry testimony, Lightoller states that he did not actually see Jack Phillips on Collapsible B, but that he had been told that he had been there, which contradicts what he said in 1934. Colonel Gracie addressed this very topic in his book, and other sources and him seem to indicate that Harold Bride, and not Jack Phillips was the wireless operator who had told of the other ships which had answered their distress call.

In the end, the only real piece of evidence that I know of that indicates Phillips actually reached Collapsible B are the statements of Steward Whiteley, who made contradictory statements regarding his fate and what happened to his body (taken onboard the Carpathia, which is denied by Gracie and Lightoller, thrown overboard, etc.)

All of this is addressed on the webpage that I posted the link to. Here is the address directly to the section of the site. It details all of this in much more detail:


I hope that this message finds you well, and that you are getting better weather than I am in Ohio. We are getting hit by the winter storm system as I speak.
Kindest regards,
Ok ! Thank you Tad. Sorry I don't speak well english and I have difficulties to translate into French.
Hi Jonathan - I think the Godalming pub you mentioned is the Red Lion which was formerly the Oddfellows Hall and site of Godalming Grammar School which JGP attended. The 'Jack Phillips' pub, further down the High Street, did not open until November 2000.

Hi Tad - Following on from your point- I believe that the body taken on board Carpathia from Collapsible B was later identified as 3rd Class Passenger Abraham Harmer.
All the best

I think the Godalming pub you mentioned is the Red Lion which was formerly the Oddfellows Hall and site of Godalming Grammar School which JGP attended. The 'Jack Phillips' pub, further down the High Street, did not open until November 2000.
Ah yes...happy memories of both pubs, Mandy! The Red Lion does (or did) a great hot baguette, and as far as Wetherspoons pubs go, the 'Jack Phillips' is a good one. A bit more contemporary in style, the open sliding wall in front made it very pleasant on a warm summer day.

Good to hear that the painting is out of storage.​
Hi Inger,
The Red Lion gets my vote, as Ian has spent a great deal of time and effort on research and restoring the pool room and giving it a real feel of the old Oddfellows hall (and ofcourse the schoolroom).There's also his legendary 'Mills&Boon' food ordering system! As for Wetherspoons, I agree that the 'verandah' is nice on a warm day. However, when it opened (Sid Sedunary was guest of honour) it was November and there had been torrential rain for the previous week. The lammas lands surrounding Godalming had flooded and the river had burst it's banks. It was the only time I have ever seen water washing over the cobbles of the Phillips Memorial Cloister, but it was still a lovely day!
Hi, i can answer the jacks body question.
Jack's body should of been found cause jack died in a life boat of ethophbia *i spelt that wrong*.
Jack body never died in the water.


That would be hypothermia. The extreme cold did him in. As to whether or not his body would be found in the boat, that would depend on whether or not he was ever even there in the first place (Which is debatable) and whether or not it would have even remained with the boat long enough to be recovered.
Hi Micheal, Harold Mcbride was in the same life boat as jack was.Well the up side down one before they were put in an right side up life boat.
well that's what Harold Mcbride stated.
Before he was place inside the life boat he spent so much time in the water that cause him later on inside the life boat to perish.
Harold Mcbride had very bad frost bite on his feet.
but i got a funny feeling you knew about this, you are a titanic buff.
Anyways this is what Harold Mcbride stated,i just hope they never change the infomation.

Warm regrads
>>well that's what Harold Mcbride stated. <<

Yep. That's what Bride stated. No dispute there. What's disputed is whether or not he saw what he claimed he did. The problem is that it's uncorroberated.
well yes true,i never thought it in that way.
Harold could of been losarnating *i spelt that word wrong aswell* hope you under stand it.
You're always thinking ahead LOL.

Hello, I know this is and old post, but I have a question.
>> Jemma did discover that he had an older brother who died as a baby from meningitis

What sources are there for this information? Please and thank you a ton!