Last Mysteries of the Titanic Discovery Channel

You're right, Tad.

I really enjoyed seeing more of the CG renderings and more of the staircase wreck footage, but this doesn't offer much more than that. I do enjoy this edit more than the ones I already had, but it leaves you wanting a lot more. If only they had added another hour to this edit it would be superb. This one did feature more exploration in the Turkish Baths though. Very haunting. I'm looking forward to hearing Parks' thoughts on this edit.
I am at a loss to explain the edit that Discovery submitted for Emmy consideration. It is obviously based off the Cameron edit (the use of my CGI is a key indicator because I made it specifically for the Cameron edit), but there is much missing from the Cameron edit in this latest version (what is this...the 6th edit?!?). Not even Earthship can explain what's going on.

If (and that's a big IF) Discovery ever releases LMoT on DVD, I have no idea which edit will be on the disc. Ideally, it will be the edit that Cameron/Earthship provided to Discovery, but I have no confidence in what we would see. This is a very frustrating experience.

Thanks for the update Parks. As I said, this edit is better than the one I had on tape, but it leaves out a bunch, like the purser's office, privacy screens, etc. that were in the original airing, and includes nothing of the Scotland Road attempt, more of the office, etc. that were rumored to be in the directors cut. Weird, parts are newly edited and improved, while other parts are left out entirely. I would settle for a poor quality copy of Cameron's full cut at this point, I can't believe that Discovery is sitting on this. I understand it's all about money and there may not be enough interest to mass produce and package it to have in stock, but History Channel, which is affiliated with Discovery does individually pressed copies of some of their less-popular programs which is a cost-effective way of doing it. I have several documentaries from them that I purchased on the History Channel website that are generic labeled History Channel DVDs, without packing, but with the complete program. Why won't Discovery do the same?
Hi, Tad. I didn't know that History Channel would produce individual copies of their programs--that's good to know! What do they charge for something like that? Did you have to contact them ahead of time and ask for a single copy, or do they have an option for that right on their website?

I also want to thank you, Parks, for keeping us informed about all this. Seeing the special on TV and then not being to own a copy has been a huge disappointment for all of us. I would definitely order Cameron's final version of LMoT if Discovery would ever make it available--whether in a general release, or one copy at a time.

Hi Denise,
I'm not sure how they pick which ones to produce that way, but I ordered them online through the History Channel website and that is what they sent me. I think they only do that with programs that they know won't be super profitable if mass-marketed. I received a Pompeii special and a special on JFK that were indidividually pressed and packaged generically.

Hope your week is going well.

Take care,
Are they still showing it on the history channel? Relative of mine got a dvd burner and has been burning copys of shows on cable and If its still being shown i need to know when next time it will be shown since discovery channel shows a link to the lmot site but doesnt give a rerun list.
>>Are they still showing it on the history channel?<<


In terms of vidios and DVD's, you might want to google up The History Channels website to see if they're offering it. At least the copy would be legal, and you wouldn't have to worry about when it's going to be broadcast again.
Ive been to Discovery channel and they didnt have a list of when it would air again, but ive read above about some people being able to buy just one copy of it, how much would that be cause im just wanting to see it so i can see the new areas of the wreck that was explored since i dont exactly have cable considering its either internet or cable not both.
Hi Matt, I purchased mine from eBay a while ago. I have seen them pop up occasionally on there since then. I have two versions, the Emmy version and the Discovery Channel UK version. I was very disappointed with the Emmy version and I think the Discovery UK version is better. That being said, the Emmy version does show more footage of the Turkish Baths than the Discovery UK version. The Discovery UK version shows more of the ship in general and is a better feature. Just remember, the Emmy version is for Region 1 DVD players whereas the Discovery UK version is for Region 2.
Ive seen them on ebay also. I thought the Emmy version was the whole show but i found out that its not. Im just going to email the name of the show to my uncle and if he gets a chance to have him record it cause its no big deal. If it ever comes out to buy ill buy then.
I did manage to track down my tape of this but a DVD copy would be nice. If they'd only offer it! One can only hope we'll get lucky and they'll decide it's worth their while to get it out.
My own understanding of the situation is that this project was essentially stillborn. Unfortunate since it would have had a substantial amount of unseen material in the most ideal edit. Fortunately, I recorded the show as it happened. It may not be the best of all possible worlds, but it's better then nothing.