i just got frankie goldsmiths book and there are letters in it from rosa abbott but she singed her name rhoda. and her last name was williams. but in miss gellers book she claims rosas last name was smith. does anyone know what the truth is. is is a mistake or was her husbands name williams and then she married a man named smith. has anybody found out what ever happen to her. she is very interesting cause she lost both her sons and she was the only woman that went down with the ship and then found a lifeboat.

Jeffrey if you read Gellers book for good stories and enjoying it you will not be disappointed. Read it for accuracy and its kinder sloppy.
Hey, easy tiger. I don't think we should condemn people for being interested or for asking questions. That is, after all, what the board is for. But, conversely, users should be aware that constantly asking questions can be wearing for people especially if nothing is offered in return.

May I also remind users to please use their FULL names when posting and to avoid pseudonyms or aliases. Joannie _ and S. Annoyed, you have been warned. There is nothing sinister in this request, it is just so we all know who we are actually talking to.

Anyway, when DID Rosa Abbott die?

I ask questions because I want the date of death of ALL survivors to know how many survivors
still living after when I was born in(December,2,1983).And know the age of all children
who rest only SEMAN BETROS.Thank you and don't
panic,I ask these questions because your site is
VERY AMAZING! I understand,I ask any questions
per day.I wait the answer who is the age of the boy.
Cook, if you read this, can you try and email me or meet me on mIRC? I just tried emailing you and there's some sort of failure.


Actually Senan, I think Janet Gretsky is the real culprit and has used Wayne as a puppet. They've been marching to Rachmaninoff's Symphonie du Druckiges Arschlochen.