in Frankie Goldsmiths book, he has an image of two postcards sent by 'Rhoda' to his mother where in both cases she signs herself off as Rosa, so I don't really know what this article is on about?
I’ve been reading a lot about Titanic lately. So many intriguing and sad stories...but this one is really the one that gets to me. She was a heroic woman to stay with her sons. I feel so bad for her for what she went through.
They are putting together two people. Rhoda Abbott and two children and Rosa Aboy which was with her niece in third class. That is the problem. I actually met the child Aboy. Her name was Carmen Aboy de Valldejuli. She is so traumatized she never allowed her children to buy bathing suits or go to the ocean and has a 10 foot cement wall on her back yard ( close to the sea) so she never sees it. I actually saw the original passenger list and a drop of water fell on the last name only showin AB...they asumed it was Abbot or abbey.
Sorry to bother you but, since I'm as confused by your comment as I am interested, I thought I should.

The only person I could find by the name Carmen Aboy de Valldejuli was a foremost authority in Puerto Rican cooking, who was born in 1912 and died in 2005.

The bit that I find confusing is that this lady was born into a very prominent (and wealthy) PR family and doesn't fit at all the profile of someone who would have travelled 3rd class in the Titanic.

The family residence in San Juan (today a museum and listed in the U.S. National Register of Historic Places) was built for them by distinguished architects precisely in 1912, so we can also discard a rag to riches story after the sinking. They were already rich when the ship went down.

I'd just like to know where did you first hear the name Rosa Aboy attached to the Titanic, if you can remember. Was it by a third party, such as media, or did Carmen Aboy herself tell you when you met her?

Many thanks in advance if you can reply. All the best in any case.