Lightoller Still in the Media

Inger Sheil

Has anyone been following the Sydney Morning Herald's Column 8 over the last few days? There's been a bit of back and forward about Lightoller's career, starting of course with the Fort Denison incident and building up to Dunkirk (paraphrasing slightly - I'll see if I can find the exact quote - after receiving all the Lightoller yarns the columnist commented "Is there anything Charles Lightoller couldn't do?"). The Fort Denison incident has gradually entered Sydney lore - it's even mentioned in tours of the Fort, as a member of this board found out a couple of years ago.
Indeed he is, Inger. Or at least will be in the Lancashire Telegraph when I get this article done.
This is a plea for help - does anyone know of any photos/images of C.H that I can use in my work without having to worry about copyright issues?
Better yet, does anyone here own the copyright to any of the aforementioned and are willing to let me use them?