List of rooms of the wreck already explored


Does anyone know where to find a current list of the rooms / areas of the wreck that have been explored since 1985? I've seen so many documentaries talk about being the first to enter such and such suite / area of the ship , however I have yet to see a complete list or illustration documenting it. Also, does anyone know what is the lowest deck of the bow section interior that has been viewed to date (not including the area where she detached from the stern)?
I think the lowest room in the bow could be the Cooling Room of the Turkish Baths on F Deck or the cargo holds.

I’m not entirely sure if there is a list. But these are the rooms/areas that I know that has been explored:
The Grand Staircase chasm has been explored.
Passenger staterooms
The 1st Class Reception Room & and forward part of the 1st class Dining room
The #1 cargo hold
The Cooling Room of the Turkish Baths
3rd class open space on D Deck?
The wireless room
Wheel house and the remains of the bridge
Forward well deck and forecastle
Possibly the exposed BR 2
Parts of Scotland Road.
Mail room/post office and squash court??
Firemen's mess under the forecastle
A Deck & Boat Deck promenade?

The exposed end of the Reciprocating Engine Room
The remains of the poop deck and aft well deck
The remains of the 2nd Class Entrance on the Boat Deck?
The remains of the 1st class Smoke room? Palm Court & Veranda Cafes?
The remains of the 3rd class general room and smoke room?
The propellers?

I think this has been the explored areas but I’m not sure