Which areas or rooms of the wreck would you want to explore?

I would like to explore the mail room to see what was in there and the condition of the contents. I'm against taking stuff from the actual wreck but in a weak moment I might be convinced to take the mail bags...study the contents and then return them to wreck. I would think there would be a lot of history in those mail bags.
i would like to explore boielr room 5 and 6 if possible and turbine room along electric engines room aka dynamo room.going further the edge of stern appears to be intact,area above rudder might be explorable?
These rooms would be interesting to see. I know some of these aren’t possible
For the bow:
The mail room/ post office
(If the wreck deteriorated further) a way down into Boiler Room 6
Squash court (if possible)
The swimming pool (if possible)
Whatever remains of the 3rd class dining room
Windlass gear
The remains of the gymnasium
The remains of the officer's quarters, bridge/wheelhouse

I’m not entirely sure if it’s possible to look at these
I was going to suggest the 1st & 2nd class galley but that’s not in the stern or bow
Barber shop
Maids' & Valets' saloon & aft grand staircase

It would be nice to look at the remains of the 1st class lounge and R&WR but I know that’s impossible

Electrical engines
Cargo holds (if possible)
Turbine Engine
Engineer's mess (if intact)
Hospital (if intact)
2nd class dining room (if possible or at all)
2nd class library & 2nd class smoke room (or whatever is left of these rooms
Steering gear room (if possible)
Cafe Parisian & A La Carte restaurant (if possible)
2nd class aft staircase (not entirely sure if it’s still around)
The remains of the Verandah & Palm Court
1st class smoke room remains
Let's say you have time to explore 4-5 rooms on Titanic's wreck, which one's would you choose? Keep in mind it can be rooms never seen before by other expeditions.
I 'd go for the stern, and try to get inside. If that failed I would photograph every bit of her stern. I feel like it's not well documented. If it's on the bow, I would go for Scotland Road, The Turkish Baths, the First Class dining saloon, and the third class General room
I agree with others that it would be nice to be able to get into boiler rooms 5 and 6 and look for the iceberg damage, but even just seeing what the boiler rooms look like today would be nice. I would like to also just go aft along one of the corridors of staterooms, like C-deck which looks in a fairly straight line, starting at the Grand Staircase and heading aft, to where the ship broke apart. I'm curious what the section where the ship broke apart looks like, today, from inside the ship.

I think also it would be great if there was some way to make a computer simulator, I guess in a similar style as Titanic Honor & Glory, of the wreck. I know that's something that would be extremely difficult to do, if it would be possible at all considering all the spaces that they can't get unmanned ROVs into, but it would be a way to preserve the wreck for future generations, the way THG is preserving the ship as it was afloat.
what the Titanic VR game? I think i heard someone say the developers used a lot of resource photos. spammals i think. I agree about the break, I'd take Scoland road as far aft as possible, to the break. always wondered too!
It would have to be the swimming pool for me- such a shame that a WTD blocked access in 2005. Although a fairly plain space, I'd wager that it would be a revelation- there was almost no wood in there so I bet you could see the floor tiles, and I'm sure the pool itself would still be tiled.