Which areas or rooms of the wreck would you want to explore?

I would hope to explore the d deck dining room and reception room, ismay's room on B deck, the Grand staircase and boiler room 6 (because they haven't gotten in there yet). I would hope to see some small punctures
A possible goal for interior scans is to make an exact replica of the wreck as it looked like right after she hit the bottom, thus before the deterioration started. That replica will be built in a hangar so people can "walk" Titanic's wreck. All wood will still be there and there are no rusticles yet.

Just a hypothetical way to display how the wreck once looked like, and make money out of it by making visitors pay. This might become very interesting once the real wreck is gone.
That is actually a very good idea.
I would like to see if you could access any of the kitchens, see what kind of equipment was being used down there. The Cafe Parisien, Verandah /Palm Court. The smoking room. Scotland Road. 3rd class areas. Cabins on D Deck. Squash court and swimming pool. So many areas!

I like the idea of the tiny drone / ROV scooting in areas that the bigger ROVs cant access.
If you were leading a future expedition to the wreck, what areas or rooms would you try to explore and what would you hope or expect to find?

Boiler rooms. Chiefly I want to know with some degree of certainty any observed damage to the interior of the hull, and to know if any of the bulkheads actually collapsed. Now I understand, this might be just me, but I want to have a detailed of a forensic understanding of the sinking as is possible while it is still possible to arrive at such an understanding at all.
They have got this close...


If I understand it correctly the ROV was looking into this door on Scotland Road.


Not sure how far they might be able to make it in though, assuming another expedition was ever attempted. The interior might be a mess of collapsed ladders and piping that could snag a ROV.
That is a remarkable photo!

That much said, I don't know of any expeditions which have probed the wreck as deeply as James Cameron did, and it's been something like 12 years since that photo was taken. If it was deemed too risky for an ROV even then, I doubt it's improved any since that time.
I would also like to explore the stern area in more detail, accompanied but someone who has complete analytical knowledge about investigating deep wrecks and drawing most likely conclusion scenarios. Putting the practical difficulties to one side, I am particularly interested in the flooding pattern of the stern after the break-up, including the timeline before eventual implosion of the structure.
That is a remarkable photo!

That much said, I don't know of any expeditions which have probed the wreck as deeply as James Cameron did, and it's been something like 12 years since that photo was taken. If it was deemed too risky for an ROV even then, I doubt it's improved any since that time.

I always have in mind two things, first that you are correct--it has been over 12 years; however, while the wreck has deteriorated ROV technology has accelerated. I am hoping that eventually an ROV that is small enough to not have to risk itself can get sent down into those boiler rooms. Second, the historian in me feels like the payoff is worth the risk regardless.

Then again, it is never going to be my multi-million dollar ROV at risk. :D
Assuming we can build the ROV I want (very small, little or no connection to a 'mother ship')

- crew quarters underneath the foc'sle deck, and the anchor & windlass gear
- cargo/mail holds (I know, several tries to get down the hatches have been thwarted, and the "bend" in the bow runs right thru the middle of that area)
- Boiler rooms 6 & 5 (maybe not down escape trunks, but down the Fidley fan/trunk vents against the funnel casings)

STERN: (not much, given its condition)
- steering gear & engines, just aft of where 3rd Class general/smoke room were
- and I KNOW below-the-mud surveys are a pain, but I want something that can look at the sternpost under the mud and take a look at that center propeller! (3-blades.. I want to see it!!)


"Mr. Lowe! Take a bosun's party and a Master-at-Arms, and get those children off the foc'sle at once!