Lost Forever


If your friend’s claim is legitimate, then he or she stands to become rich or at least notable for having discovered a film that many motion picture archives around the world have actively searched for. If you or your friend would like to share more specific information, you can contact me privately and I will put you in touch with individuals at two American institutions that I know would be willing to purchase the film, "Saved From the Titanic," for a not inconsiderable sum.


If I understand your question, the answer is "No." The film starring Dorothy Gibson, "Saved From the Titanic," did not use the Olympic as a set. The shipboard scenes were shot aboard a land-bound, derelict freighter in New York Harbor. External scenes of the ship were filmed using a miniature model, which was floated about electronically in a pool constructed at the í‰clair studios in Fort Lee, N.J.

There’s a chapter about the making of "Saved From the Titanic" in my book, "Finding Dorothy."

