Millvina Dean

Thank you to Geoff and Colleen for reply to my message,
Here is the rest of the story:
Her grandfather, Tom Phillips was chief engineer for the Severn locks at Worcester but could not stand the local scandal after his daughter Kate returned from the Titanic disaster and gave birth at his Waterworks Road home.
Tom took his wife together Kate and her baby and set up in exile at Chesterfield. Ellen remained there for a few years until her mother married and went to live in Ramsgate.
Ellen recalls that her stepfather, a seaside cafe owner, treated her very kindly but her mother seemed always to resent her and was "spiteful", often hitting her.
In fact, her mother went on to suffer mental problems for some years, once trying to commit suicide and eventually dying at the age of 64.
Though not knowing the ecact details. Ellen says Henry Morleys brother or family paid a quarterly sum to her mother through a Sheffield solicitor for her upbringing until she was 16. It enabled Ellen to be sent to several private schools.
Ellen has since lived in London most of her life, is a retired cicil servant from the passport Office and was married to a London bus driver , though he died several years ago.
Late last year she felt a great urge to return to her roots, even through she left Worcester 72 years ago at the age of four.So it was that she moved home to St. Agathas road, Pershore and feels she is "back home"".
Her fathers deaath in the Titanic, together with three other Worcestershire men , was reported by Berrows Journal on April 20 1912 and I used the information as the basis of a "Memory Lane" feature in August 1986. It was reproduced in our "Memory Lane" Volume One book and recently, quite by chance, Ellen bought a copy to be confronted on one page by a photograph of her father, taken from a Barrows pictorial supplement of April 1912.
"I cried because I had never known what he looked like before. All I knew was that he had been good looking, about 6ft 4in tall and had some Spanish ancestry", says Ellen.
She stresses that one of the reasons for her return to this area is her dearest wish that she may be able to findsome relatives still living from her fathers family, especially his first daughter who would be 89 now.
Ellen, known to her friends nowadays as "Betty" points out that the Titanic disaster clearly had a great impact on her own life. It robbed her of her father and of being born and brought up in California "And had my mother not been one of the last people rescued that dreasful night, I obviously would not be here to-day"
Sayeth Geoff>>>See, I'm so old I put extra letters in words!!<<<
That makes up for MY mistake.... I left out a number... Meant to say 121.....

Happy Turkey day...
Colleen, Cook, and Geoff: your recent posts reminded me of an old "Muppets Show" joke, regarding the two old men hecklers, Staddler and Waldorf:
Regarding a skit on Shakespeare lines and terms:
Waldorf: "Now that really offended me. I was a student of Shakespeare"!
Staddler: "You were a student WITH Shakespeare"!!


Anyway, Geoff, thanks for the information on Millvina. Looks like we'll all be making our plans to come to Southampton in February 2012.


my name is Benjamin Kurtz and for all my life I have been interested in the Titanic (I don't know why ...) - could any of you please give me the address of Millvina Dean ? I'd like so much to write her, and also to ask her to sign me a photograph ... I know she lives at Southampton, England; but I guess this wouldn't be enough on the envelope for it to reach her ...

Thank you so much,

Best Regards,

Benjamin Kurtz
I don't think you're going to have much luck with that. Posting addresses in a public access forum without the permission or knowladge of the prospective addressee is considered very bad form. You may wish to read This Hotlink for the lowdown on contacting survivors. It comes right from the ET FAQS Page.
Mauro, What information are you seeking?

Please note that Millvina will turn 93 this Wednesday (I have sent "Birthday Wishes", already; thanks to the US Postal Service, two of my postage stamps convey my sentiments). I think that many of us on ET can assist you, as far as information about Millvina's life, and her family.
John is correct. Also, survivors should not be contacted. All her known information is pretty much on this board anyway.
All Ahead Full!
Shane N. Worthy
Just for anyone who wants it, here is the complete list of babies on the Titanic and their ages:

Millvina Dean - 2m
Assad Thomas - 5m
Wiljo Hamalainen - 8m
Sibley Richards - 9m
Helene Baclini - 9m
Frank Aks - 10m
Barbara West - 10m
Trevor Allison - 11m

I'm not sure if I forgot anyone or not; these were all off the top of my head. Please feel free to add anyone I've carelessly forgotten.
I don't quite understand this, but I think there is a photo of Millvina which appeared on this week's Have I Got News For You in the UK, chaired by Jerry Springer. It's a good show, very funny, and Jerry does a good job, though you have to see it through to the end to see Millvina. Very British, though.

It's on the BBC iPlayer, but only for another 6 days.
Today I would have been sending on birthday wishes to Millvina.
She would have been 98.

Instead, I will have to take time to reflect on her life, and give 'Thanks' for the many years I knew her.

"God Bless You, Millvina!!".
I'm not sure but would guess that if you officially became a pensioner at 62 in Britain, the same would apply here, otherwise people who retired early, would be eligible for free health care and that is not the case.