Molly Brown Mystery Unravelled


Congrats again on this brilliant piece of investigation.

Those who haven't already had the pleasure of reading Daniel's article about Molly Brown's cabin, published recently in the Irish society's journal, will much enjoy it. It's very good to see it here on ET!


PS) Thanks for the Edith Russell item! And sorry I didn't get back to you in time about those photos. They are all in the public domain so far as I can tell.

Looks like I'm going to have to download that Acrobat Reader. Ever since I first heard about this article, I have wanted to read it!


Just wanted to say again that I think this is one of the best pieces of investigative research I've seen from anyone in a long time. Congratulations on the great work and accomplishment.

Thank you all for your compliments!

I think I need a new Acrobat Reader as the one I have can't open my article properly, I can't see any of the pictures!

Randy, glad to hear that you received the Edith item. Phil G., have you got your thick envelope yet?

Absolutely delighted to see your article up here on the board as well as in the White Star Journal, Daniel! Excellent material.

~ Inger

Excellent. That was very informative, thank you.
Now I have a question! How could Fynn's cabin, directly across from Margaret Brown's, be third class? I checked all around on E deck, and it shouldn't be so as all the other neighboring cabins were first class. Flynn's bio also says he came third class, but McGough (his roommate) was first class. I'm confused! (nothing new!)

Tim B

There were three Flynns. One was in first class (shared a cabin with McGough) and the other (two) third class passengers. Pull up the 1st class passenger list from the front page of ET, and look for John Irwin Flynn. There seems to be a James and John Flynn in 3rd class. Don't worry Tim, the two Johns from 1st and 3rd class always get confused! I have done it countless times.

Thank you all again for your compliments about the artcile. I think it's been about a year and two or three months since I had done the first draft.

Well, I would read it and all the other new articles, but every time I try to download the Acrobat Reader I get an Internet Explorer error and cannot continue. Did this happen to anyone else and if so, how can I prevent it? I have tried four times already.


Thanks Daniel,

On the E Deck Plan the room highlights "John Irwin Flynn and McGough" but when I click on the room the link is faulty and goes to the 3rd Class Flynn instead of the 1st Class Flynn. Apparently the link is wrong.
Guys I am having a problem, everytime I download this article and error comes up and I am unable to read it. It makes me mad because Daniels research sounds so facinating.
I've just read your article at long last Daniel -- congratulations! It's a wonderful piece of research, deserving of the massive audience that ET can give to it.

(Which reminds me, didn't there used to be a 'hits' counter on ET Mr. Hind? Or are the numbers too big for it to cope with? :) There was also one at the TRMA site, which reached 600,000 and then 'popped.)

Best regards,
