My Titanic break up theory and stern sinking

My Theory Of Titanic's Break up is that after Titanic lights shut off Began break on the starboard/right side slowly during this process listing to Port a few more degrees it was before titanic broke up then the Third full collapses damage smashing into the boat deck and the fourth funnel does the same the stress and damage then rips out 2 pieces making up of Titanic's boiler room 1 and its reciprocating engine room. the first ripping off titanic boiler room one and part of its reciprocating engine Room. the second ripping part her superstructure and a bit of her hull then the her reciprocating engines and almost whatever is left in that area of the ship slides out slowly their that piece of superstructure and a bit of hull/the second piece Slides/Slips down causing immense damage snapping the small piece of steel connecting the stern and bow. The stern rises and goes down at rapid speed almost being fully vertical in the air but before it can the stern goes under.