Need some info on Jack Phillips

Hello, all -

I'm trying to write a book (first-person) with Jack Phillips as the narrator, but I can't find some key things.

1) What time/day did Phillips board the Titanic?
2) Did anyone do anything for his 25th birthday?
3) Where can I find some really good information on Jack Phillips?

Thanks, Rachel
First thing's first.

Unless you can delve deeply into Phillips life, I would suggest not using him as the narrator. On the other hand, if you acquire a deep knowledge of him (similar to Inger Sheil and some of the officers she has been researching) I would look forward to reading your work.

What I have done to my story is similar to what I am advising. I have created a fictional family, but have incorporated my favorite Titanic characters, such as Marshall Drew and H.G. Lowe (by the way, Inger, would love some extra information on him ). In this regard, you could incorporate a "third" wireless officer, who was with Jack Phillips and the other wireless officer (who's name eludes me at the moment). That could make an interesting story. What would be more interesting is to make a story as to why he is not listed on the crew roster, similar to what Jim Cameron did for Jack in Titanic. Anyway, I await your reply.

Best regards,
The other officer is Harold Bride.

Thanks, but I'm still going to try it my way. Who knows? This one may actually get published!

Thanks again. Still awaiting answers!
Just to clear up any misunderstanding, niether Harold Bride nor Jack Phillips were officers.

Regarding a third operator, I don't think I'd go with that. The Titanic had only two, which was twice the number most other ships had. Perhaps telling the story from The God's Eye view would work best, but that's your call to make.
Whoops, slip of habit. Sorry!

I'm going to try making Phillips the narrator - I'm more intrigued with him, for some strange reason! - but if all doesn't go well I'll try a Bride narration second (because he survived).

Where could I find the information I'm looking for in my first post?
Regarding Rachel's first post:

I'm more "intrigued" with Jack Phillips also and would love to have any and all information about him. The only thing I think I can answer is that both Phillips and Bride apparently boarded the Titanic around 11 o'clock at night on April 9th, per Harold Bride's testimony at the United States Senate Inquiry. Although he doesn't expressly say that Phillips got on board with him, he says "we got on board rather late."