OlympicTitanic Exterior paint job

I have noticed that in several pictures of the Olympic's launching, the ship appears white, But in Titanic's photos, the hull is fully painted. Am I just looking at bad pictures, or what?
Nope. The on the Olympic what you see is the way it really was. I understand they did it that way for publicity reasons of some kind. I just don't recall the specifics.

Michael H. Standart
Michael, Chris,

I think Olympic's hull was painted white so it would show up in photos better. I could be wrong though....

At launch, Olympic's hull was painted white so that photographers could get better angles and more detailed photos of her. She was painted black in fitting out.

Titanic, on the other hand, being the younger sister, didn't recieve the same hoopla, and so was launched in her black coat of paint.

I made this post on exactly the subject in December 2000, if I remember right.

Best regards,
