Though i myself am no expert on this topic, i find it to be at least auite a decent article and i myself believe it holds it's own quite well. This guy on facebook claims that it's been looked into heavily.
wow that guy is pretty smart. Where did the color photographs of Olympic and Mauritania come from, and are they fakes?
Here is a photo of Olympic's center propeller area. The light colored object is a zinc sacrificial anode plate applied to the sternpost. Above it is a smaller rectangular zinc plate. Additionally there were narrow zinc strips applied to the forward end of the rudder. What you really can't see clearly in this photo is that on the upper and lower surfaces of the center propeller aperture, a narrow zinc strip was applied. This was the extent of the sacrificial zinc anodes which were applied.
View attachment 49641
Good detail. That technology was used in a lot of different applications. At least some variation of it.
I know you said colored photographs are unreliable, but these are the only things we have to show the color of her paint. I am not saying these are definitely right.

Cam- these are NOT 'the only things we have' because they are NOT REAL COLOURS! Probably we're just arguing over your phrasing here and what you meant to say is, 'Are these made up colours deemed to be anywhere close to reality?' Hopefully you can see why people get annoyed at this though; it is as valid as me scribbling over a B&W photo with a red crayon!