Past Lives

P.S. I see you slipped in and got the post in while I was typing.
Have to stop you right here though as far as saying that "he is just some manager of a wireless phone office" Look again. See the humble words "Coastal Carolina Region" They mean a whole lot more than just the appearance that he is a manager of a phone office!
Most all the board members are "professionals" in some manner or another. I am confused to how you being a model related to the Titanica board in a way that makes you a professional in this field.
Lastly, you added to Randy "if a friendly warning about internet kooks gets you peeved at me than thats your problem." I agree! There are many types of kooks lurking around the internet, and many prey on beautiful, innocent young women. (You are from a Law Enforcement family, heck, you know this!!!)In many ways, I am thankful that Phil Hind took down the pictures you sported. ~I~ was a but concerned for the same reasons you speak of to others. (Guess that is just because I am a momma.)
Sincerely,(and no hard feelings on my part.)
Ashley, here's a 'friendly warning' in return - I think you need to read more deeply into the history of the board before you start dishing out advice to someone who has extensive experience both in accessing public records and in dealing with folks on the internet. If you were more familiar with Phil and his work, you'd realise that your warning was entirely gratuitous and completely unnecessary - Phil G knew exactly what he was doing.

I think you could also look at your own manners before you start making remarks about the conduct of others - this isn't the first time you've weighed in with a homily to a heated discussion, or caused offence in doing so.

Don't know about the rest of you, but having seen what venemous little time wasters this discussion has brought out makes me rather glad that I'll be out and about today doing some constructive research, along with Jemma. The FRC and a few thorny problems regarding the Titanic crew and their families beckons - I'm sure we'll raise a toast to you all, and your lives past and to come, when we unwind in the pub afterwards.

Have a lovely day Saturday everyone, and try to's just a messageboard (am trying to hone my 'Phil H Voice' now that this is one of the sections I'm moderating - need to bone up on dry, elegant Brit humour, however).

Randy is correct, your warning to Phil was unnecessary. I realize that you were giving him friendly advice, but he was well aware of what he was doing. Also, I'd be very careful in saying that Phil "is just some manager of a wireless phone office". As Colleen said, check it again. He is also a terrific researcher and a good friend.

Best regards,(and no hard feelings on my part either.)


Have no desire to start a conflict at all with you but Randy is right. Phil dosen't need your warning. Appreciate that you were trying to put over a friendly bit of advice but it was inappropriate. Far from being "just some manager of a wireless phone office" Phil is a remarkable researcher, in my opinion the best. To top it off he's a lovely man and a loyal friend to boot. Contrary to your opinion plenty of us here get paid for doing something occasionally too.